Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

Manifestation of interplanetary shock in geomagnetic storms and substorms For the events (Shock + CME + Dst) a number of intense of storms dominated (9 - intense, 5 - moderate, 3 - weak), but for the events without ICME (Shock - CME + Dst) more often were weak storms (7 —intense, 5 — moderate, 15 - weak). Average amplitude of the storm for the I s1group of the events was 100 nT, for the 2 group - 7 4 n T - nd Average duration of substorm disturbances was 21.8 hours for the 1st group (Shock + CME + Dst), 15,4 hours for the 2 group (Shock - CME + Dst) and 13,6 hours for the 3rdgroup (Shock - CME - Dst). The duration of the intervals between the registration time of ISh, SSC, the beginning of ICME, Dst decreasing and AE increasing are shown in the table. Table Group Number of the events CME SSC Dst AE Shock Shock Dst Shock CME Shock CME Shock + CME + Dst 17 7,1 0,6 -2,5 3,2 -3,9 1,4 -5,7 Shock - CME + Dst 27 - 0,1 -3,4 1,9 - 1,3 - Shock - CME - Dst 20 - 0,6 - - - -3,4 As one can see from the table, on the average CME was delayed relative to ISh on 7,1 hours, SSC was observed during an hour after ISh registration and before 2-3 hours the storm decreasing. A storm on the average began after 2-3 hours ISh and ahead the start of CME registration quiet 4 hours. Substorm (AE index) began an hour or two after the ISh when the storm was observed. Growth of AE index began 3,4 hours before the ISh and 5,7 hours before ICME when storm disturbances were absent. For illustration, Fig. 1 shows the curves of Dst and AE indices together with the solar wind parameters for three particular events of the selected groups for 5 days starting from the day preceding the registration o f ISh. For comparison we selected moderate storms with amplitude of Dst index decreasing 64 and 52 nT. The red line marks time of registration of ISh. Fig. la: (Shock + CME + Dst), 12-16 June 1998: ISh was registered June 13 at 18:56, SSC at 20 hour, CME began June, 14 at 05 hours, storm Dst decrease began June 14 at 04 hour, substorm AE increase began June 13 at 24 hour. Fig. lb: (Shock - CME + Dst), 22-26 April 1998: ISh was registered April 23 at 17:28, SSC at 19 hour, CME absent, storm Dst decrease began April 23 at 23 hour, substorm AE increase began April 23 at 20 hour. Fig. lc: (Shock - CME - Dst), 01-05 July 1999: ISh was registered July 02 at 00:30, SSC at 01 hour, CME and Dst decrease absent, substorm AE increase began July 02 at 06 hour. In all three cases this time coincides with the start of increasing of module IMF, proton density and the leading edge of the solar wind velocity. Module IMF increased in all three events but in 3rd group (Fig. lc) it keeps the increased value only 1,5 days whereas in the 1st and 2nd groups - more than 2 days. The behavior o f Bz component is similar in the first two events too: behind the shock front Bz smoothly changes direction from north to south, which is typical of magnetic clouds. In the event from 3rd group Bz changes its direction from (+) to (-) 4 times: before the ISh and three times after, i.e. changes are more chaotic. The vector IMF variability increases right behind the ISh in all three events, but in the 1st group, the change is much smaller and shorter. Those, in the events o f the 2nd and 3rd groups IMF is more turbulent than the 1st group. The increase in proton density is different for the events: for the event from l sl group Np increases to 20 cm 3, held extended almost a day and then increases again during a day to more than 10 cm '3. For the event o f the 2nd group there is short, about 8 hours a splash of Np to value about 50 cm'3. For the event o f the 3rd group Np slowly increased to 8 cm'3 during a day and than slowly falls. Speed has a sharp front edge with a jum p o f more than 50 km/s for the events of 1st and 3rd groups and increased to 150 km/sec during 8 hours (as density burst interval) for 2nd group. Velocity is kept increased during three days after the ISh for the events o f the 1st and 2nd groups, and decreases monotonically day later the ISh for the event of the 3rd group. Changes of Dst index is typical storm-time decrease and slow recovery phase for the events o f the 1st and 2nd groups, and small nonstorm Dst decrease - 20 nT for the 3rd one. AE index substorm changes are also different’ for the event of the 1st group, there are three substorms: the first one lasts about a day immediately after the ISh and there are two small substorm enhances on the 2nd and 3rd days, during the magnetic storm recovery phase. For the event of 2nd group substorm disturbance begins after the ISh and lasts during all observation period, with a slight weakening and strengthening. For the event of 3rd group there were 4 short substorm in tensifications'- for 6 hours before the ISh and three times after the passage of the ISh. Thereby: 1. it was confirmed that SSC is related to the passage of ISh; 2 for the geomagnetic storm generation it is not necessarily the presence of the ICME behind the ISh- 3. in the presence of ICME behind the ISh the probability of the observation of high-intensity storm 'increases but in the absence of ICME the weak storms are observed more often. That is, for the generation o f geomagnetic storms it is very important the configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field, the presence o f southward Bz component of the IMF in the magnetic cloud behind ISh; 24