Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.
Solar sources o f intensive geomagnetic storms during the 23ы solar activity cycle Data, method o f analysis and results Geomagnetic storms were selected at the Dst values published on the website: Between 1998 and 2005 there were 16 of very intensive storms with a maximum Dst< -200 nT, (in the years close to solar activity minimum,1995-1997 and 2006-2009, of such storms was not observed) and 66 intensive storms with a maximum value of - 200 nT < Dst < -100 nT. To determine the solar source of the geomagnetic disturbance and its solar coordinates, we used the following observational data: catalog of coronal mass ejections (CME) (, /) ; daily reports of solar and geomagnetic activity prediction center in Boulder (SWPC) website ( ) ; the data about the disappearance ot filaments and prominences on the website “Edited Solar Events Lists” ( ) ; catalog of coronal holes on the website ( http://www/dxlc/com/solar/coronal_holes.htmiy, image o f coronal holes in UV and x-ray ranges (http; maps large-scale magnetic field of the Sun. The magnetic field of the Sun was calculated on the source surface (2.5 radiuses of the Sun) with the help o f the program "ISOPAK" [ Harshiladze and Ivanov , 1994]. The large-scale magnetic field of the Sun was calculated on the source surface (2.5 of radiuses of the Sun) with the help of the program "ISOPAK" [Harshiladze and Ivanov , 1994]. Calculated open (radial) lines of force of magnetic field, and the HCS was projected on the surface of the photosphere. Areas on the photosphere, where the projection of the open field lines from the source surface coincide with the bases o f power lines on the photosphere were called by OR-regions. The examples of calculated synoptic maps with indicating of the projections of HCS and OR-regions and location of solar flares previous of CME are shown in F ig .l. Synoptic maps are centered on the dates 10.02.2000 and 08.07.2003. Near the central meridian the locations of flares (at left, 02.2000) and filament (at right, 07.2003) are shown. After these solar events it was registered geomagnetic storms: 12.02.2000 (max Dst = -133 nT) and 12.07.2003 (max Dst=-110 nT). On the bottom panel of the figure shows the parameters of the solar wind of registered CME, and the geomagnetic storm that followed after him. It is known that most of geomagnetic disturbances is the consequence of a whole complex of events on the Sun. Several flares, CME or the disappearances of filaments as well as coronal holes can be observed consecutively or simultaneously [Joselin, 1986; Harshiladze and Ivanov , 1994]. We were looking for the source o f the storm that causes it most likely. И ю ль 2003 20 18 16 14 1 2 ' 10 8 6 4 2 30 28 2Б b 12.07.2003 Figure 1. Top: synoptic maps, centered on 10.02.2000 (a) and 08.07.2003 (b): solid line is a projection of the HCS on the source surface; painted regions are OR-regions; flares are indicated by squares, DSF - by rectangle Bottom- solar wind parameters near the Earth's orbit - IMF module, Bz IMF. plasma temperature Tp. density N. velocity V Dst-index. ’ ’ 12 . 02.2000 20
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