Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

Daytime polar magnetic disturbances under extremely strong IMF Bz 5. We suppose that the daytime polar electrojet (PE) under consideration could be mapped inside the closed magnetosphere at poleward part of the plasma ring surrounding the Earth. 24.11.2001 30.05.2003 A m piiH K fc« :» •« » U7 Anffcid» ts « w 0789•Й.Мl*T fas-Mt gfwtw» •«;»'JT ArsMuSrbwctaire i' W-MtCUT AjjW'rtudespsttr»w,H:Jt •!-4;My? inpUutr iseetw 0ГW-93СЭ1Л Figure 7. The 2-7_mHz geomagnetic pulsations at polar Figure 8. The amplitude spectra o f 2 -7 mHz fluctuations stations BJN, HOR, NAL and similar fluctuations in the in the solar wind and IMF (top panels), and o f the solar wind and IMF (top panel), calculated as a “survey geomagnetic pulsations at B JN -NAL (at the bottom) fragment energy” rectifying functional, the relative units during two time intervals: 04-05 and 07-08 UT; relative are used [Zelinsky et al., 2014]. units are used. A cknow ledg em en ts. The paper was partly supported by the Program No 7 of the Presidium f RAS (NK and LM) and by the RFBR Grant № 16-35-00069 (N.Z.). References Antonova, E.E. and Ovchinnikov, I.L., Magnetostatically equilibrated plasma sheet with developed medium scale turbulence: Structure and implications for substorm dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 104(A8), 17292-17297, 1999. Antonova, E.E. and Ovchinnikov, I.L., The model of turbulent plasma sheet during IMF Bz > 0, Adv. Space Res., 28(12), 1747-1752,2001. Dremukhina, L.A., Levitin, A.E., and Papitashvili, V.O., Analytical representation of IZMEM model for near_real time prediction of electromagnetic weather, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., vol. 60, 1517-1529, 1998. Feldstein Ya.I., and Levitin A.E. Solar wind control of electric fields and currents in the ionosphere J. Geomag.Geoelectr., 38, 1143-1182, 1986. Kleimenova, N.G., Gromova, L.I., Dremukhina. L.A., Levitin, A.E., Zelinskii, N.R., and Gromov, S.V. H ighjatitude geomagnetic effects of the main phase of the geomagnetic storm of November 24, 2001 with the northern direction of IMF, Geomagn. Aeron. (Engl. Transl.), 55, (2), 174-184, 2015. Levitin, A.E., N.G. Kleimenova, L.I. Gromova, E.E. Antonova, L.A. Dremukhina, N.R. Zelinsky, S.V. Gromov, and L.M. Malysheva, Geomagnetic disturbances and pulsations as a h igh jatitude response to considerable alternating IMF variations during the magnetic storm recovery phase (Case Study: May 30, 2003), Geomagn. Aeron (Engl Transl), 55(6), 755-768, 2015. Levitin, A.E., Gromova, L.I., Gromov, S.V., and Dremukhina, L.A., Quantitative estimation of local geomagnetic activity relative to the level of the magnetically quiet period in 2009, Geomagn. Aeron. (Engl.Transl.) 54(3) 292 - 299, 2014. Lukianova, R. and Christiansen, F., Modeling of the global distribution of ionospheric electric fields based on realistic maps of field_aligned currents, J. Geophys. Res., 111(A03213). doi 10.1029/2006JA011950, 2006 Mishin, V.M., Bazarzhapov, A.D., Anistratenko, A.A., and Aksenova, L.V., Electric currents and magnetospheric convection produced by nonmagnetized solar wind, Geomagn. Aeron., vol. 18(4) ,751-753, 1978. Papitashvili, V.O., Christiansen, F., and Neubert, T„ A new model of field_aligned currents derived from high precision satellite magnetic field data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2002, vol. 29, no. 14, pp. 1683-1686. Zelinsky, N.R., Kleimenova, N.G., and Malysheva, L.M..Studies on the latitudinal distribution o f ground based geomagnetic pulsations and fluctuations in the interplanetary medium using discrete mathematical analysis methods, Geomagn. Aeron. (Engl. Transl.), 54(4), 449-455. 2014 18