Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 38th annual seminar, Apatity, 2-6 march, 2015 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2015. - 189 с. : ил., табл.

I.M. Podgomy and A.I. Podgomy AR having complex magnetic field distribution, when singular magnetic lines X-type exist in the corona over AR. Current sheets can be formed in the vicinity of such singular lines and accumulate magnetic energy for a flare, as it predicted by the flare electrodynamic model [4, 5]. Figure 2. Solar flare production above the strong complicated active regions The magnetic field of the active region during a flare If the energy accumulation and the explosive flare phenomena occur high in the corona, the magnetic flux and the magnetic field distribution in the active region (i.e, on the surface of the Sun) must not change during the flare. The analysis of magnetic field distributions before the flare X3.4, during the flare, and after the flare confirms these conclusions [ 6 - 8 ]. The distribution of the field during flare remains unchanged with high accuracy. The North and South AR magnetic field fluxes (Fig. 3) remain also unchanged during a flare. Analysis of a number of ARs shows that strong short-term changes in the magnetic field distribution in the AO are not initiating a flare. An example of such an event is shown in Fig. 4. So, solar flare appearance is not produced by magnetic pulses on the solar surface. The source of flare energy is located in the corona above AR. <I>N= 2.3310 M x <I>S= 3.111022M x Время (часы) .1250 Г B n .1250 Г Bn .1250 Г Bn 06:27:30 1 01:39:30 I 03:15:30 1 . i X 1250 Г <Dn= 2.20 10,2M x <I)S= 2 .9 9 1022M x 0>N= 2.21 10 M x ф8= 3 .0 2 1022M x Figure 3. Magnetic field distribution during the flare 81