Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 38th annual seminar, Apatity, 2-6 march, 2015 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2015. - 189 с. : ил., табл.
Ground-based microwave monitoring o f ozone in the middle atmosphere above St. Petersburg and Tomsk in the winter 2013-2014 satellite device is not noted disturbances in the ozone layer in contrast to the data obtained from the surface of the Earth. Perhaps it is related to specific limb measurement method, often used in satellite measurements, which provides a spatial horizontal resolution of several hundred kilometers, far worse, than a ground-based device. In this case it takes place the averaging of the signal of the atmospheric radio emission along the antenna beam during its scan. The consequence of this it becomes possible to obtain in such measurements smoothed values of ozone density along the satellite swath. The quality of these data will be especially critical near the sharp front baric boundary. In any case, the above-noted fact requires further study when data obtained by orbital and ground-based instruments are compared. Consider the nature of the changes of ozone and temperature in the middle atmosphere in winter 2013-2014 over Tomsk. In Fig. 3 shows the behavior of ozone and temperature at heights of 25, 40 and 60 km from the end of November to February. The lowest ozone concentration according to ground-based microwave sensing was observed at all heights on the end of November 2013, this was followed by a gradual increase of ozone with minor variations until the end of January 2014. All this time the Tomsk was on the edge of the polar stratospheric vortex [http://www.pole- ether,fr/etherTypo/index.php?id=1663&L=l], Air masses at the edge of the cyclone characterized by a high velocity along its borders and extreme instability of its composition, which may cause our observation of the variability of the ozone content. This fact is also confirmed by the analysis of back trajectories of air masses, the calculation of which was performed due to the British atmospheric data centre BADC [] . The trajectories that were calculated for the levels of the middle atmosphere from 10 to 50 hPa, were cyclical and covered a large area of the circumpolar area. In the third decade of January, the polar vortex is slightly deformed and moved in a westerly direction, resulting in Tomsk was out boundary of this cyclone. Circulation in the middle atmosphere has changed dramatically, the speed of air masses decreased. At all heights visible increase of the ozone number density at this time. And at the height of 25 km, the increase of ozone is 1.5 times was accompanied by a temperature rise of about 20K. It was found that the temperature increase outpaced the increase ozone concentration by about two days. However, synchronous change of ozone concentration and temperature indicates the dynamic nature of these processes, in contrast to the levels of 40 and 60 km where the relationship between ozone and temperature is determined by photochemical processes [13]. In Fig. 3 shows that at altitudes of 40 and 60 km of changes in ozone and temperature occurred mainly in antiphase. A c k n o w le d g m e n ts .T h e work was supported by the grants 13-05-00596, 15-05-04249 of Russian Foundation for Basic Research. We acknowledged the OMI International Science Team and MLS science team for satellite data used in this work. References 1. Waters J.W. et ai. The earth observing system microwave limb sounder (EOS MLS) on the Aura satellite. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. V. 44. P. 1075-1092. 2006. 2. Kulikov Y.Y., Krasilnikov A.A., Ryskin V.G. Microwave studies of the structure of the polar-latitude during winter anomalous warming events in the stratosphere. Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys. Vol. 38, no 2, P. 182-191, 2002. 3. Barnett J.J., Comey M Middle atmosphere reference model derived from satellite data. Handbookfor MAP. V. 16. P. 47 - 85.1985. 4. Marichev V.N. Lidar investigations of stratospheric wanning events above Tomsk in 2008-2010. Atm. 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