Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 38th annual seminar, Apatity, 2-6 march, 2015 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2015. - 189 с. : ил., табл.

Y. Y. Kulikov et al. according to ground-based Х ^ ш in DU (filled circles). The correlation coefficient between changes in ozone X ™ and TOC amounted to 0.905; between changes X ^ LS and TOC amounted 0.752 and between changes X g MW and X q ^ amounted to 0.845. Temporal variations of ozone concentration during the entire observation period obtained from ground-based and satellite measurements are coincided. Especially notable increase ozone in late January 2014, registered both by onboard and ground-based microwave devices. The systematic excess of ozone on satellite microwave data over ground-based microwave data for the entire observation period amounted to the value of (1.03±0.01). Consider the character of the variability of ozone and temperature at selected heights middle atmosphere 25, 40 and 60 km above the Peterhof and Tomsk. In Fig. 2 shown the temporal variations of ozone concentration and temperature (MLS/Aura data) at these altitudes above the Peterhof in winter 2013-2014 On the bottom of the figure shown the variation of ozone (filled circles) at a height of 25 km, according to ground-based microwave sensing and temperature (bold curve) at the same height according to the database MLS/Aura [8]. Decreasing of temperature at a height of 25 km started from mid December 2013. Temperature minimum 191.5K was observed on the end of December and the beginning of January 2014. A gradual increase of temperature was lasted during one month, and temperature maximum was reached value of 225.4K on February 15, 2014. The increment of this value over the average temperature for January 2014 was about 27K and for February - 16K. Such a change of the thermal structure of the middle atmosphere shows the development of minor stratospheric warming, which were mentioned by us earlier over Apatity (67°N, 33°E) [9]. The correlation coefficient between changes of ozone N (25km) and temperature at the altitude of 25 km for the entire observation period was positive and amounted to 0.487, up to a peak temperature increase (mid-February) - 0.237, and during the maximum phase of the stratospheric warming is 0.546. Similar values of the correlation coefficient between ozone and temperature at 25 km, obtained from orbit, equal to 0.308, -0.018 and 0.639 respectively. The ratio of the concentration of ozone at the altitude of 25 km on satellite and ground-based data for the entire observation period had a value of (1.04±0.04). The above mentioned development of the stratospheric warming over the Peterhof occurred under the classical scheme from top to bottom. This fact is confirmed by detected changes of ozone and temperature at the altitude of 40 km, which shifted in time relative to the data at a height of 25 km (Fig. 2, mid panel). The increase temperature and ozone at 40 km ahead approximately two weeks of temperature change and ozone at the altitude of 25 km. Our microwave observations in the polar latitudes has repeatedly confirmed this scenario [9-12]. Noteworthy (Fig. 2) significant perturbation of ozone at levels of 40 km (mid panel) and 60 km (top panel), which began in the second half of January 2014. The increase in ozone at 40 km relative to the unperturbed period was about 70%. Winter 2013 - 2014 Winter 2013 - 2014 Figure 2 Figure 3 Discrepancies between satellite and ground-based data, excluding the second half of January, were not observed within the accuracy of 10%. However, during the development of the warming in the middle and upper stratosphere 179