Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 38th annual seminar, Apatity, 2-6 march, 2015 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2015. - 189 с. : ил., табл.

1 it is shown the temporal variations of the ozone content in the layer of 22-50 km according to the onboard device MLS/Aura X o ^ { 2 2 - 5 t i k m ) m DU (open circles) and ozone content in the layer above 22 km, according to ground-based device Х д Ш (> 22km) in DU (filled circles). The device MLS/Aura uses a limb method of measuring atmospheric parameters [8]. We selected of ozone and temperature data, corresponding to the time span of the satellite over the Peterhof and Tomsk. For this purpose was chosen domain with coordinates (60±1.5)° N and (30±5)° E for Peterhof and (56±1.5)° N and (85±5)° E for Tomsk. Data X q *MV correspond to the ozone concentrations obtained from day and night ozone spectra. Ground-based microwave monitoring o f ozone in the middle atmosphere above St. Petersburg and Tomsk in the winter 2013-2014 The difference between them is virtually nonexistent. Well observed perturbations of ozone layer in the middle atmosphere, which began in the middle of February and lasted until the end of March. The first maximum appeared on February 15, the second - on March 07 and the third - on March 25,2014. The alternation of maxima occurred at time interval of about 20 days. Moreover, the time variations of ozone content obtained by satellite and ground- based microwave measurements are identical. The correlation coefficient between changes X q ^ s and in the period of "disturbances" had a value of 0.906. The correlation coefficient between these values from November to February 11 (up to time "disturbances") was 0.331, and for the total time of observations - 0.718. Systematic excess of ozone satellite data over ground-based data for the entire observation period amounted to the value of Xo!?/ = (1.14±0.01). It is necessary to specify on one event marked in the left panel of Fig. 1, when the / \rMMW / Xo, magnitude X ^ LS and Х ^ ш ' since the mid to end of January 2014 was the same. Note that in January time variations of the TOC and Xff™ are qualitative the same. The correlation coefficient between the changes of these values is 0.329 and the correlation coefficient between changes in the TOC and X q , s is equal to -0.012. Possible causes of this feature we will discuss below. In the right panel of Fig. 1 are shown the time variations of ozone in December, February 2013-2014 over Tomsk. Observation time was chosen due to the fact that according to several years of lidar sensing of the temperature over Tomsk, stratospheric warming happen here, usually in January [4]. As an example, observations of significant stratospheric warming in Western Siberia, one can cite the work [5]. The upper curve in the right panel of Fig. 1 shows changes of the TOC (OMI/Aura device), which reflect the ozone variations in the whole thickness of the atmosphere during the winter. It should be noted that the changes of TOC largely associated with the 0 3 variations that occur in the region of the maximum of the ozone layer (the height of 20-24 km). The average value of the TOC for this time interval amounted to (354+7) DU. The specific behavior of TOC during this time is brief increase up to 483 DU (average of three days) at the end of January. The magnitude of the growth TOC was about 40% in comparison to calm of its development (before and after) disturbances. In the bottom right panel, Fig. 1 are shown the temporal variations of the ozone content in the layer of 22-50 km according to the onboard device MLS/Aura X q ' s in DU (open circles) and the ozone content in the layer above 22 km, 178