Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 37th Annual seminar, Apatity, 25 - 28 February, 2014 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. - 125 с. : ил., табл.

12 2011 September, 8 12 О KELY (72.76, 40.86) 2011 September, 13 Figure 4. The development of TEC fluctuations over auroral station KELY. 0 0 RINK (77.74,46.14) RINK (77.74, 46.14) 2011 September, 12 2011 September, 17 Figure 5. The development of TEC fluctuations over RINK polar station. Oval irregularities Based on the daily GPS measurements from 130-150 selected stations, the images of spatial distribution TEC fluctuations (index ROTI) in CGC and MLT) coordinates was formed. Similarly to the auroral oval, these images demonstrate the irregularity oval. The occurrence of the irregularity oval relates with auroral oval, cusp and polar cap. The irregularity oval expands equatorward with increase of the magnetic activity. In Fig. 5, as example, presented dynamics irregularity oval in depended geomagnetic activity. As it seen from Fig.5 activity and intensity TEC fluctuations weak relate with behouver of Kp and more depend on changes o f IMF Dynamics of irregularity oval well correspond with AE index. KELY (72.76, 40.86) KELY (72.76,40.86) 2011 September, 17 2011 September, 26 Case study’ o f TECfluctuation during auroral disturbances KELY (72.76,40.86) KELY (72.76, 40.86) 2011 September, 9 2011 September, 10 RINK (77.74,46.14) 2011 September, 8 26.09.2Kp=27 27.09.EKp=32 Figure 6 . The day by day dynamics of irregularity oval for 28.09.IKp=25 September 2011 disturbances. 4.09.EKp=16 12.09.EKp=32 8.09.£Kp=l 1 13.09.£Kp=24 9.09.LKp=24 17.09.EKp=31 92