Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 37th Annual seminar, Apatity, 25 - 28 February, 2014 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. - 125 с. : ил., табл.

CO N T EN T S SESSION 1. GEOMAGNETIC STORMS AND SUBSTORMS O.M. Barkhatova, N.A. Barkhatov, I.A. Bazina LV. Despirak, A.A. Lubchich, N.G. Kleimenova V. Guineva, I. Despirak, B. Kozelov I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova T.V. Kozelova, B.V. Kozelov L.L. Lazutin JI.JI . Лазутин A.E. Левитин, Л.И. Громова, C.B. Громов, Л.А. Дремухина Classification approach to the analysis o f magnetic disturbances in auroral region and the magnetic disturbance at middle and low latitudes “Polar” and “high latitude” substorms and solar wind conditions Northern auroral structures before breakup and solar wind 10 Substorm observations in Apatity during different solar wind 14 conditions 18 Substorm intensification from THEMIS satellite observations 22 and IMF B z component changes Problem o f electron disappearance during the magnetic storm 26 main phase: Relation to the down-dusk asymmetry o f energetic electron radiation belt Магнитные бури и радиационные пояса Земли 29 Геомагнитная активность переменного магнитного поля 38 Земли в северном и южном полушариях SESSION 2. FIELDS, CURRENTS, PARTICLES IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE B.V. Kozelov A.G. Yahnin, T.A. Yahnina, N.V. Semenova, B.B. Gvozdevsky Application o f mathematical morphology to data o f ground- 42 based auroral observations Relativistic electron precipitation as seen by NOAA POES 46 M.A. Волков Авроральная турбулентность ионосферной конвекции 51 SESSION 3. WAVES, WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTION A.V. Artemyev, G.A. Kotova, M.I. Verigin V. Belakhovsky, V. Pilipenko, S. Samsonov, D. Klimushkin, P. Mager N.G. Kleimenova, F.Z. Feygin, Yu.G. Khabazin, L.M. Malysheva Role o f the field-aligned density distribution for efficiency o f 55 electron scattering by hiss waves Poloidal monochromatic pulsations in the Pc4-Pc5 range 59 observed in the Earth magnetosphere Geomagnetic P ci pulsations in the solar activity m inimum 63 3