Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 37th Annual seminar, Apatity, 25 - 28 February, 2014 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. - 125 с. : ил., табл.

V. Belakhovsky et al. drifting electron cloud. The generated "ship waves" should propagate in the direction o f the electron drift, e.g. eastward. The azimuthal wave number is determined as m=coA/a>d, where coA is the eigenfrequency of the standing poloidal Alfv'cn wave, and a>d is the particle drift frequency. The amplitude o f the generated wave is estimated as В / BQ « 2 7veNL VA / cB0 , where N is the density of drifting energetic particles, L is the field-aligned wave scale. This relationship shows that this generation mechanism may be efficient even in a low-P ((3«1) plasma. Therefore, the "ship wave" mechanism could interpret the excitation of poloidal Pc5 waves by energetic electrons injected to in the morning flank of the magnetosphere. 9 Septem ber 3007. LANL-1994, MLT=UT-3.5 9 Septem ber 2007. THE. UT Figure 4. Electron density (upper panel), temperature (mid- Figure 5. Magnetic and electric field variations at panels) at LANL-1994, and radial magnetic component at the THEMIS-E in the GSM coordinate system. GOES-IO (bottom panel). 5. Conclusions Very monochromatic poloidal pulsations in the Pc5 range in the morning sector of the magnetosphere have been found in the satellite magnetometer data. Observed features of these waves match the notion on the standing Alvenic waves with small scale in the transverse direction. These waves cause a strong modulation of the fluxes of the energetic electrons and protons, whereas the particle modulation depth is larger than that of the magnetic field. The cloud of energetic electrons may be the source of the considered pulsations. Acknow ledgm en ts . This study was supported by the grants of RFFI 12-05-00273, 12-05-98522, 14-05-00588 and Program of the Presidium of RAS № 4. References Anderson B.J. Statistical studies of Pc 3-5 pulsations and their relevance for possible source mechanisms of ULF waves//Ann. Geophys. 11, 128-143, 1993. Mager P.N. and D.Yu. Klimushkin. Alfv'en ship waves: high-m ULF pulsations in the magnetosphere generated by a moving plasma inhomogeneity // Ann. Geophys. 26. 1653-1663. 2008. Takahashi K., et al., Multisatellite observations of a giant pulsation event // J. Geophys. Res., 116, A l 1223, 2011. 62