Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 37th Annual seminar, Apatity, 25 - 28 February, 2014 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. - 125 с. : ил., табл.

I.A. Kornilov and T.A. Kornilova 03.11.2005 Lovozero Figure 2. Auroral TV and solar wind magnetic data for 03.11.2005. Arc luminosity variations (1, 2), By - components of solar wind magnetic field (3,4), TV frame example for this date (5) and satellites positions (6). About 50 events total were analyzed on the base of Lovozero and Loparskaya TV data. For all data selected auroral structures were inside TV camera field of view (near the northern horizon). Two dates - 03.11.2005 and 31.12.2007 will be discussed in more detail. Fig. 2 demonstrates E-W keogram of northern auroral arc luminosity variations (1), integral arc brightness (2), and By - components of solar wing magnetic field, measured by ACE and WIND. Northern arc position is shown at the bottom part of the picture (5). North is on the top, east on the left. For better revealing fine details frame is high- frequency filtered. WIND and ACE satellite positions are shown on (6). Semi-dark circle is the Earth. White part of it directed to the Sun, while dark part directed to the magnetospheric tail. One can see obvious correlation (typical moments are marked by vertical lines) of solar wind magnetic field and northern arc luminosity variations. Satellite magnetic data shifted in time for about 60 minutes. This shift corresponds to the time of magnetic cloud irregularity motions from satellite position (250 Re) to the tail and arc projection on the tail borders (probably about -20 Re). Time delay is in good agreement with direct measurement of solar wind speed by satellite detectors (about 480 km/s in this case). Somewhat surprising is the fact that time delay for WIND (65 min) is larger than for ACE (60 min) though WIND is closer to the Earth. But in E-W direction satellites are separated more than 60 Re, and comparison of satellite detected solar wind speed vectors reveals that solar wind moves not perpendicularly to magnetopause, but under some angle, and ACE detected it first. 19