Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 37th Annual seminar, Apatity, 25 - 28 February, 2014 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, N. V. Semenova]. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. - 125 с. : ил., табл.

О.M. Barkhatova et al. In the classification of the studied events was only under SYM and AU parameters, in the first class misses 80% satisfactorily restored events. Events that are rare in the neural network restoration classified bad - they are divided between two classes are almost equally. In the classification only under the parameters SYM and AL neural network puts 90% satisfactorily reconstructs events in the first class. Events what are rare in the restoration, as well as for the previous pair, divided equally between the classes. According to classification results, for SYM and AU, SYM and AL parameters well restored events share a common view of the symmetric ring current and auroral electrojet dynamics. Almost all of these events have a small amplitude and duration and correspond to the "classical" development of geomagnetic storms and substorms. It can be assumed that the physical ionospheric and magnetospheric processes in them are of the same nature and develop the same scenario. In the classification of 30 events under the parameters ASY and AU similar patterns is observed: 80% o f the events, the most common in restoration, were in the same (second) class, and events with poor neural network restoration virtually not classified. The second class, as mentioned above, consists of intensity and long-time duration events. For the ASY and AL parameters present a very different picture of events distribution. Events common in the restoration is equally divided between the classes. However 90% of rare restoration events neural network puts in second class. Thus, the classification under two parameters, one of which is ASY index, the main number of events often (ASY and AU) or rarely (ASY and AL) occurring in the restoration, gets into the class of intensity and long-time duration events. In the case of ASY and AU parameters in this class were the "classic" events that occur frequently in the restoration. In the case of ASY and AL parameters in this class were "non-classical" events that are least likely to meet in restoration. This fact confirms the hypothesis of existence of ionospheric-magnetospheric current system, the components of which are asymmetric ring current and both auroral electrojets. In other words, if in such current system ASY-AU connection is strong, the connection ASY-AL is almost obscure, and vice versa. This conclusion fully confirms the results of Sec. 2, Fig. 2. 5. Conclusions In this study by a method of neural network classification investigated the influence degree of indices SYM, ASY, AU and AL dynamics for the presence or absence of the nonlinear connection between the corresponding current systems on the main phases of geomagnetic storms of varying intensity. The results of the events classification is established that a good restoration AU and AL indices under index SYM occurs in most cases for short-time main phases of geomagnetic storms with small or moderate amplitude ("classical" geomagnetic storms and substorms). In the classification of ASY, AU and ASY, AL parameters noted the presence o f "balance shift" in development of auroral electrojets in relation to each other: if it is significant development of westward electrojet, eastward electrojet is underdeveloped, and vice versa. It can be assumed that the current system of asymmetric ring current, and the eastward and westward electrojets have overall energy budget. This confirms the hypothesis about integration of these current systems at magnetic storm main phase. At the same time demonstrated the presence of the nonlinear connection between symmetric, asymmetric ring current parts and auroral electrojets. For this purpose by neural network method was performed restoration of eastward (AU) and westward (AL) electrojet intensity indices under intensity indices of symmetric (SYM) and asymmetric (ASY) ring current. According to results of statistical analysis of all number restored by Elman ANN and Fuzzy events was marked 30 minute time delay in development of symmetric ring current relative to eastward electrojet and 60 minute delay relative to the westward electrojet. Acknow ledgements. This work was supported by RFBR grant 12-05-00425 and State task of Ministry of Education and Science, 2014-2016. References Barkhatov N.A., Levitin A.E., Tserkovniuk O.M., Analysis of connection of indices SYM, ASY of the ring current magnetic field with indices AE (AU, AL) // Proc. of 29 Annual Seminar, Apatity, PGIKSC RAS, P. 17, 2007 Barkhatov N.A., Tserkovniuk O.M., Levitin A.E. 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