Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 36th Annual seminar, Apatity, 26 February – 01 March, 2013 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2013. - 215 с. : ил., табл.

REFLECTION OF THE DYNAMICS OF SOLAR PLASMA FLOWS IN THE WAVELET SKELETON PATTERNS FOR NEAR SPACE PARAMETERS S.E. Revunov, D.V. Shadrukov, N.V. Kosolapova (N izhniy N o vg o ro d S ta te P edagog ica l University, N izhniy Novgorod, Russia) Abstract. Research to the establishment of the spectral features skeleton disturbances for parameters o f Solar plasma flows in the form of magnetic clouds (MC), areas of interaction flows (CIR), shock waves (Shocks) and high-speed streams from coronal holes (HSS), recorded at the Earth's orbit patrol spacecraft is devoted. The proposed approach to the diagnosis of near-adjacent space will allow for early identification of geoeffective structures in Solar wind for predict the evolution of the magnetospheric disturbance. As used herein, the wavelet skeleton processing, which results in a signal in time and frequency sweep, is easy to use on-line monitoring of plasma flows. 1. Introduction A number o f studies have repeatedly noted that the spectral composition o f the low-frequency disturbances associated with Solar plasma flows due to their type [Wawrzaszek and Macek, 2010]. Most low-frequency disturbances caused by turbulent areas with a flows. In [Tessein et al., 2011] drew attention to the possibility of generating wide zones of turbulent areas of interaction of fast and slow Solar fluxes (CIR - Corotating Interaction Regions). The most geoeffective plasma streams such as magnetic clouds (MC - Magnetic Cloud) also often contain turbulent transition region at the front of cloud [Steed et al., 2011]. It should be noted that most of the research focused on the study of the nature of turbulence flows. It does not draw conclusions about the type o f flow and also the algorithms classify flows according to their spectral characteristics. Thus, it seems urgent task differentiate types of flows from the characteristic spectral features. The proposed study to clarify the type o f Solar wind plasma flow from the characteristic spectral features of variations of velocity, density, temperature, magnetic field, should demonstrate an appropriate reflection of the internal structure of the plasma formation in the vibrational spectrum of the recorded variations. The ideas developed in the framework of classification tasks differentiate types of plasma flows are based on the current physical understanding of the evolution of oscillatory processes in isolated Solar wind structures. According to the hypothesis of this study, each type geoeffective flow not just a specific set o f parameters (velocity, density, pressure, temperature, value of the magnetic field) is characterized, but the fundamental characteristic of relationships between them. These linkages appear to be in sync with their associated wave packets. The developed approach allows the study to quantify the level of pairwise synchronization harmonic distribution parameters for recorded plasma formation and the results of a multi-parameter estimates to conclude that it belongs to a particular type. The advantage of this method of classification is independent o f the algorithm on the intensity and duration of the event. 2. The data used and processing techniques Monitoring of geoeffective structures in near-Earth space for currently geliogeophysics is an important issue. It is based on the problem of classification and identification geoeffective types o f structures in the flow of the Solar wind. In turn, classification for type of streams is difficult of universal selection algorithm releasing characteristics as transient (e.g., shock wave) or long (e.g., magnetic clouds) processes. In the present study proposed an algorithm based on concise information on the magnetic and dynamic parameters o f the flow and presentation of them in the form of wavelet skeleton spectral patterns. For test the algorithm and setting of numerical experiments selected by 6 cases o f different types o f near-Earth space geoeffective structures recorded in the period from 2000 to 2007 according NASA catalogs 0 ) and NOAA catalogs ( . Total selected 24 events including- MC (28.07.2000, 29.12.2000, 12.04.2001, 28.05.2001, 09.08.2001, 17.04.2002), CIR (27.07.2003, 05.04°2005, 07.05.2007, 20.09 .2007, 27.09.2007, 25.10.2007), Shocks (19.12.2002, 27.02.2003 14 07 2003 17 07 2003 12.04.2004, 22.07.2004), HSS (01.03.2000, 26.07.2003, 20.11 .2004, 04.07.2006, 29.07.2007, 17.12.2007). On the web site CDAW ( ) for each one-minute data for Solar wind parameters (PSW): N (density), V (velocity), T (temperature) and data on the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) |B|, Bx, By, Bz in the Solar ecliptic coordinate system were obtained, registered in patrol spacecraft. “Physics o f Auroral Phenomena’1, Proc. XXXVI A nnual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 126 - 129, 2013 © Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Science, 2013 Polar Geophysical Institute 126