Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 35th Annual seminar, Apatity, 28 Februaru – 02 March, 2012 / [ed. board: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2012. - 187 с. : ил., табл.

Global distribution o f auroralproton precipitation inferredfrom the DMSP data drops with the increase of activity. The activity curves drop in the AOP region in all MLTs with the increasing activity. Fig. 2c, d shows the ratio of the proton energies to the electron energies. In the both zones in the prenoon MLT (c) the ratio drops with the increase of the magnetic activity. The same tendency remains in the 18-21 and 21-24 MLTs. In the 12-15 MLT the ratios do not vary with the increasing activity and in the 15-18 MLT the energy of protons increases in the DAZ and decreases in the AOP with the increasing |AL|. The variations of the ratio of proton fluxes to the electron fluxes and the proton energies to the electron energies depending on the MLT and the magnetic activity are presented in the Fig. 3a,b. The ratios in the DAZ are presented on the upper panel, in the AOP - on the bottom. As seen from the Figure the maximum proton fluxes occur in the DAZ in the afternoon and the ratio gains about in 4 times when the magnetic activity increases from AL= -50 nT up to AL= - 1000 nT. In the AOP the contribution of proton fluxes decreases with the increasing activity. Fig. 3b illustrates the behavior of the ratio of the energies within the DAZ and AOP. In the DAZ the peak of the ratio sets in the 18-21 MLT during the quiet conditions and shifts to 15-18 MLT sector during the disturbed conditions (AL=- 1000 nT). In the AOP the peak of the ratio sets in the daytime and the ratio in the prenoon hours depends on the magnetic activity weakly. In the afternoon the ratio drops with the increasing activity. F./F. EJE. 0.25 0 2 - 0.15 - 0.1 0.05 - 0 / '.N , AOP I 1 I '"1 1 I 1 I 1 I '1 I " 1 I 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 MLT Fig.3 The comparison of the electron and the proton auroral precipitation for AL= -100 nT and AL= -1000 nT is illustrated in Fig. 4a,b. As can see from the Figure the auroral precipitation demonstrates the maximum electron fluxes and energies in the AOP region during night hours, the minimum fluxes are registered in the region of the noon. In the DAZ region the maximum electron flux occurs in the morning (03-06) and it’s minimum in the afternoon (15-18). In 15-18 MLT the proton fluxes have peak value which increases by approximately a factor of 2.5 from 0.13 erg/cm2s to 0.33 erg/cm2s when the AL- index changes from -100 nT up to -1000 nT. Thus a clear pattern of anticorrelation exists between regions of strong electron and proton precipitation. Different distribution of particles in the locations and times we can see in the behavior of electron and proton energies within DAZ. a b Protons ' I 1I ' r ,-r . . 9 12 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 MLT Fig. 4 125