Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 34th Annual seminar, Apatity, 01 - 04 March, 2011 / [ed.: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 231 с. : ил.

I.M. Podgomy, and A.I. Podgomy Bx, on which it is imposed a normal component of the magnetic field BZj is considered. Such artificial configuration exists independently from external conditions (the Earth magnetic field, the solar wind, etc.). Existence of any external sources of current generation in this magnetic configuration is completely neglected. It is considered that a stationary CS is driven by the current generator is located inside the sheet, instead of in a boundary layer of the magnetospheric tail, where the current is generated as an interaction between the solar wind plasma and the tail magnetic field. It is supposed that current in such CS is created by the electron drift in the crossed fields Bz and Ex. The earthward electric field Ex in CS appears in a consequence of electric field Ez existing directed across CS. The axis X is directed to the Earth, and axis Z is directed upwards, perpendicular to CS. For a substantiation of the mechanism of generation of the electric field Ex directed to the Earth, the electric field component Ez is set in Zelenyi at al. work (2010b). As the mechanisms of generation of the electric field Ez across the sheet, the gradient of electron pressure across CS and pushing out electrons due to the magnetic mirror force are proposed. These mechanisms produce opposite directed Ez in CS. Authors (Zelenyi at al. 2010b) connect origin o f Ez component with potential occurrence ~1 kV arising because of “motion of unmagnetized nonadiabatic ions and magnetized electrons in vicinity of CS central region should be different”. In work (Zelenyi at al., 2010b) for setting the electric field Ez the potential difference across CS is estimated from the electron temperature of a hot CS on the basis of two-liquid MHD as ~kTe/2e. Inserting of the electric field Ez, it is assumed that CS plasma colisionless and drift of particles unequivocally defines by this electric field. The inserted electric field isn't connected in any way with the mechanism of geomagnetic tail formation at the expense of solar wind interaction with the magnetic field of the Earth dipole. ^ ® ^ in ^ FAC magnetic lines are connected with the tail. They are produced by Earthward electric field in the current sheet. The Erthward electric field is also responsible for auroral jet appearance. The Hall electric field is revealed in laboratory simulation. Electrojet is the Hall current j±B Оц>ар JH=£HE~ 2 104A Fig. 3. a) Magnetic lines and field-aligned currents (thick lines), b) Field-aligned currents and the electrojet. c) Electrojet connection with the tail current. The strong temperature gradient can stationary exist only at strong energy dissipation. However within the limits of used drift approach the energy dissipation is absent completely. Strong magnetic energy dissipation is inconsistent with conditions of collisionless. It is correctly affirms that the magnetic field configuration of CS cannot influence on the electric field distribution in CS, if the magnetic field configuration is independent from X. However, in (Zelenyi at al., 2010a) it is supposed, if the normal magnetic field component depends on X, the electric field distribution should change, and the electric field component Ex directed to the Earth will arise. The scheme in (Zelenyi at al., 2010a) (fig. 4) gives relationship E' = E - 1- Э (Д S ) d tp from which Ex directed to the Earth has been estimated. Here, S is a C(p dS coordinate along magnetic field line, (p is the potential. Ex directed to the Earth. The second term describes the electric field directed to the Earth that calculated under assumption that the potential drops on AS] and AS2 are different. At a writing of this formula the physically not defensible assumption is made. It is assumed that the electric field component, directed along the magnetic field line d<p/ds, is invariant at any change of inclination of a magnetic line. This assumption is proved by nothing. For such statement there are no bases. So instead of formulas in fig.4 it must be written (р {= (/\+ (д (р1 d s \ k s j and (fc = (p2 + (cty>/ds)2As2 . where (i dcp / 3s)j Asj = (d e p td s)2A s2 , because projection of field Ez on magnetic line (dcp/ds) decrease in the same 54