Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 34th Annual seminar, Apatity, 01 - 04 March, 2011 / [ed.: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 231 с. : ил.

Counter-streaming auroral activations observed during substorm Lovozero. 17.02.2002 r 90° .15 18.20 UT S в В ц ц а * 8 й В З а Е « 5 а 5 я Ш ? ^ Д ! 90 T, Lovozero, 26.03.1998 19.40 20.00 T |. 2 0 .40 21.00 ,2 0 |^ . 21.40 UT 40° 80° 20.40 UT S 20.00 a b с Fig. 2. Standard and filtered keograms for three events demonstrate the penetration of northern structures through the southern auroral activations. It was shown in [Ostgaard et al., 2009] that the particle energy in the reconnection region is not always sufficient to supply observed characteristics of precipitating particles, that is additional accelerating mechanisms need to explain observed aurora intensities. If one supposes that northern auroral structures and southern breakup auroras are induced by electrons, coming from different magnetosphere regions, then it is impossible to explain the fact of their mutual penetration, as the electron frozen-in condition for such situation insists on absolutely impossible magnetic field configuration. Magnetic field lines could not penetrate through each other without complete and dynamic reconnection processes, which do not take place during observed events as northern structures (or their traces) pass through the southern ones without visible changes. One may suppose that the bulk of electrons, which induce breakup auroras, was not accelerated in the magnetosphere or most likely these electrons are of ionosphere origin. Indeed, in [Kornilov, 2009], the time delays in the appearance of the luminosity at different heights were analyzed. It was shown that during breakup electrons are accelerated near ionosphere at the heights 5000-10000 km and therefore an assumption was done that the possible mechanism o f the ionosphere electron acceleration is associated with strong electric field generation in the region of ionosphere plasma with anomalous resistance induced by intensive field aligned currents. 11