Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 34th Annual seminar, Apatity, 01 - 04 March, 2011 / [ed.: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 231 с. : ил.

E.A. Maurchev et al. Fig. 4. The energy spectra of neutrons at various altitudes, obtained as a result of simulation of transport of primary solar protons through the atmosphere layers. Input data have been smoothed by means of approximating. 10’ 10" 10 T 10" 10 10 10 10 9J-Ф 4 10“ 10 " ю ' 102 Depth, g*cm': Fig. 5. Simulated absorption profiles of secondary particle fluxes in the atmosphere (protons, electrons and positrons, muons). ’’Pluses” present the total flux. Fig. 6. “Circles” is simulated absorption profiles of secondary particle fluxes in the atmosphere (protons, electrons and positrons, muons) with GOES-11. spectrum as input parameter of model. Points are a balloon observation. 4 Comparison with observations In fig. 6 the counting rate of the G-M counter (the charged component) presented depending on a rest pressure in flight of the balloons started at 10.00 UT in Apatity. Circles show results of simulation of the summary count rate due to simulated fluxes of charged particles: electrons, positrons, protons and muons. The good consent o f simulation with observations is seen. A response of NM to simulated neutron and proton fluxes at ground level has been calculated in a similar way. For calculation the response function of NM to neutrons has been used [9]. For calculation of response of NM to a flux o f protons results of [10] were used. In fig. 7 a response function o f a NM to neutrons , the simulated spectrum of secondary neutrons at the ground level and their product are shown. In fig. 8 analogous plots for protons are shown. Calculation of response of NM to the summary flux of neutrons and protons at the ground level was computed with the help of the formula: <p{t)= \ R ( E ) - 0 ( E , t ) d E El Where (p{t) it was computed separately for protons and neutrons. The response of NM was computed as total (p{t) protons + (pit) neutrons- With usage of the spectrum 1 in fig. 2 for the moment of 3.05 UT the spectrum of secondary neutrons at the surface of the earth, presented in fig. 4 is obtained. For calculation of protons the same spectrum was used, and the results is shown in fig. 3. The summary response for neutrons and protons represented on fig. 1 as a marked point. в 13 £■ Fig. 7. On this picture a simulated NM response function on neutrons, a neutron ground level spectra and their product are numbered 1, 3 and 2 respectively. 112