Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 34th Annual seminar, Apatity, 01 - 04 March, 2011 / [ed.: A. G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 231 с. : ил.

N.A. Barkhatov et al. broke into three disturbances, each of which is characterized by the amplitude and duration. Then the input vector can be written down as set of values of amplitudes and durations of each disturbance. As result o f this division description of each complex is possible with the six components. On Fig. 2 the example of parametrical vector creation for Dst-index is presented. Duration of disturbance was accepted equal «1» if disturbance lasted less than 24 hours, and «2» - if more than 24 hours. In Table conformity of parametrical vectors component values limits of amplitudes change of input data is presented. Fig. 2. An example of parametrical vector creation for Dst-index Table. Conformity of parametrical vectors values to limits of input data changes Parameter Value of parametric vector components for neural network 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average value o f magnetic field vector B, nT <10 10-20 2(H30 30-40 >50 - Southern component o f magnetic field Bs, nT 0+-5 -5-M0 -10--15 -15--20 <-20 - Temperature T, 10s К <1 1-2 2 -4 4^6 >6 - Pressure P, нПа <5 5-10 10-15 15-20 >20 - Electric field, mV-m'1 >-0.1 -0.1--0.3 -0.3--0.5 I 0 V» •I- 1 О О I •I' О <-1.0 Dst-index, nT 5 0 -2 0 -20--50 -50--100 -100--200 <-200 - As result of numerical experiments eight complexes of space weather, including characteristics of perturbing solar stream and parameters of its geomagnetic manifestations have been allocated: Class 1 - geomagnetic disturbances with increase Dst-index, which sources are, streams from coronal streamers or filaments; Class 2 - geomagnetic disturbances with Dst-index increase and insignificant subsequent reduction, caused by CIR or HSS from coronal holes; Class 3 - weak magnetic storms which sources were CIR or combination CIR-HSS; Class 4 - moderate one-step geomagnetic storms caused by interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) in form of MC or ICME with shock; Class 5 - moderate two-step storms which sources are CIR or combinations CIR-HSS (see for example Fig. 3a); Class 6 - strong one-step storms caused by combinations of sheath and leading field ICME in form o f MC or ICME with shock; Class 7 - strong two-step storms caused by CIR; Class 8 - extreme one-step storms caused by combinations of shock, sheath and leading field ICME in form of MC (see for example Fig. 3b). 0 -10 -20 fe и -30 ш •40 -60 ЩШ 1ТГ fj Ы 50 41) 0. 3(1 с о-' 20 10 0 1 14 27 39 52 lime 0 -1 S '2 Q3 -3 -4 -5 1 14 27 time x104 w 1 14 27 39 52 time 4 j [K ж AujJW' jj ] 1 13 24 36 47 time 1 14 27 35 52 tine 1 13 24 36 47 time x 10* 1 13 24 36 47 time 1 13 24 36 47 time 1 13 24 36 47 Fig. 3. Dynamics of average value of magnetic field vector, southern component IMF, temperature, dynamic pressure, electric field of solar wind and Dst-index for 5 (a) and 8 (b) space weather complexes 108