Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 33rd Annual seminar, Apatity, 02 - 05 March, 2010 / [ed.: A.G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 206 с. : ил.
The StettaCam II as an all-sky imager during the SCIFER 2 rocket campaign В ' | _ T / \ w НЕ-i / • \ + • j (Хс'Ус) * I у . ■ /-sw e \ • ’ / SE S STAR AZIMUTH ELEVATION( ^ / б) в PIXELS [x,y] P o to is ---- (1 2S’06“ '77 30*4«~> [164,94] GREAT BEAR Dill)he---- МеглЬ---- P h e k d a --------- Meyiez----- A lioth----- M zar----- BenetiMsh - Atetuius — Vega------- KochAh --- De»el>---- Eltaiun--- (28217"41“;61 26Ч5") [206,86] (27* 37‘15*V56 24’53"') [213.86] (26416"56"'56 33‘42”) [21», $6] <261 4*32” '60 46*35”) [214101] <24$ 56*25” '61 41’26") [214,108] (240 42‘54" 62 6’28") [213.115] (230 39'06".*57 42‘57” ) [217,124] (21510*51~a» 11#”) [242,158] (140 12’56"748 21* 23") [156,160] (246 22' « “.«J 8‘33”) [182,110] (103 38Ч5- 49 20'45") [126,148] (148 45’38“:62 4,2»"> [167,152] X “ XC- X y'-y-y« Z“ - f -19 в «+10 x” ' 1 0 0 ■ ’ COS Фь s in & 0 " x ‘ r - о c o s e. S ine, - s in & соъф0 0 У 2 " 0 -5 in 0 o C0S§o 0 0 1 z ' y 320 x 240 Lens centi e Xc -169 yc * 123 f - 1.7 mm arctan [x 7 y "] & R = y V 2 + y “2 ' R и 2f sine/1 Figure 2. Panel (A): All-sky StellaCam II image at 07:32:25 UT. Stars are marked and named with view angles and image coordinates. Panel (B) shows the orientation of the image (compass rose). Panel (C): Equations used to transform star position into a geographic reference frame. <p is the calculated azimuth angle and R is the radial center distance in pixels to the stars as a function of elevation, 0. 4. Rocket animation An animation is constructed to visualize the rocket trajectory as viewed from KHO. The view angles are calculated based on GPS data onboard the rocket. Fig. 4. shows a snapshot o f a single animated frame with video overlay information. Objects marked with colored squares are satellites. The red circle with a tail is the position of SCIFER 2 rocket. The green circle is the position of the rocket mapped down the geomagnetic field line to an altitude of 200 km. Each data point is translated and rotated according to the camera attitude calculated in the previous section. A video overlay projects information on date, time, position, view angles and altitude of the rocket. The compass rose indicates sky directions. Fast moving objects such as satellites are marked with colored squares. The rocket is animated as a small red circle with a tail including the previous 5 data points as it moves over the sky. A white cross is used to mark the camera zenith. The mapped position o f the rocket down the Earth’s magnetic field line to an altitude of 200 km is marked with a green colored circle in the animation. The mapping is carried out using the IGRF model - International Geomagnetic Reference Field [cf. Mandea and Macmillan, 2000]. 43
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