Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 33rd Annual seminar, Apatity, 02 - 05 March, 2010 / [ed.: A.G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 206 с. : ил.

V. V. Ivanov at al. Conclusions A screening analysis of thiol urinary content during the period of a long-term stay and work in extreme conditions of the Antarctic was performed for the first time (judging by the works we are aware of). These studies helped to detect a rhythmic pattern of thiol excretion and the correlation of this rhythm to the influence o f a range o f cosmophysical factors determining the processes of adaptation. Looking at this phenomenon in the light of the ideas about the role that thiols play in the biochemical mechanism of antioxidation protection allows coming to the conclusion that there are periodical variations o f the level of nonspecific resistance and adaptive capacities of human body, which are determined by external factors. One of the most important results o f this study is the detection of a functional relation between thiol and urinary urochrome, which gives the right to count urochrome a chemical component o f urine to some degree reflecting an antioxidant status o f human body. More proofs were gained that the factors of cosmophysical origin influence endogenous thiols oxidation time. References 1. Gorshkov E.S., Shapovalov S.N., Sokolovski V.V., Troshichev O.A. On fluctuations of reaction rate for unithiol oxidation with nitrite ion being determined with gravity// Biophysics. - 2000. - V.45, issue 4. - p. 631-635. 2. Ellman G. Tissue sulfhydryl groups //Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. - 1959. - V. 82. - P. 70-77. 3.Dubrov A.P. Moon rhythms in humans. (A sketch on selenomedicine) М.: Medicine. 1990. 160 p. 4. Vladimirski B.M., Temuryantz N.A.//Influence of solar activity on biosphere-noosphere. Heliobiology from A.L.Chizhevsky to our days. M.:MIEPU, 2000. 373 p. 5. Annual star almanac. Basic part /Ed. Abalakin V.K. - М.: Nauka Publishing. 1981. 704 p. 6. Star almanac for 1992. /Ed. Ponomarev D.N. - М.: Nauka Publishing. 1991. 352 p. 204