Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 33rd Annual seminar, Apatity, 02 - 05 March, 2010 / [ed.: A.G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 206 с. : ил.

Indices o fhuman urinary excretion o fthiol and urochrome in the Antarctic and their correlation to cosmogeophysicalfactors The dynamics of 2 sh in all the periods is characterized with a tendency of growth during sleep hours (with the maximum point o f 9,5-11 mcmole at 6-8 a.m.), followed with a slow decrease down to 5-5.5 mcmole by 7-9 p.m. the level of Cshnoticeably drops during sleep hours - from 55-57 mcmole to 30-45 mcmole at 4-6 a.m , then restores at awakening and slowly grows up to the maximum point (60-66 mcmole/1), which occurs at 10-22 a.m. We studied the results of the correlation analysis for daily average values of the biochemical indices and variations of the factors of electromagnetic origin (SA) and non-electromagnetic origin (main disturbances from the Sun to the Moon, i.e. evection and variation) and phases of the Moon. The correlation coefficients are at a low level of significance and don’t exceed 0.2 in modulus. At the same time, the dispersion of the daily average values of thiols £ sh and urochrome 2 ur after reduction to the standard moon month (by counting average values of the indices for all the intervals from NM to FM) reveals a distinct relation of their levels to moon phases: high levels are detected at new moon and low levels - at full moon. We used the method of curve polynomial smoothing (polynome of the fifth power) to separate long-period fluctuations (LPF) in the changes of £ sh, Csh, £ш, Cur. Like in the work [1], we took well-known periods describing the onward and rotary motion of the Earth, as natural analogues for the separated perio.ds and circannian trends. The half-year wave, describing the onward motion of the Moon and the onward motion of the Earth, was calculated in accordance with ET [5, 6]. The variations, defining irregularity of the rotary motion of the Earth (a degree of the nutation in the Earth’s axis with respect to the celestial pole) were received from EE for 2001-2002. If we consider LPF of Esh and Csh and the variations of ET and EE, we can see that they change synchronously but with some phase displacement. Fig.2 gives an illustration o f this fact: the changing of 2 sh LPF (curve 1) falls behind the changing of ET (2). Г , 2 ’ are the respective trends. Fig. 2. Matching LPF of thiols content in urine 2sh(curve 1) and variations of ET (curve 2). 1’, 2 ’ are the respective trends. Moreover, the displacement of ET and EE for 29 days onward increases the correlation between these processes and LPF of I sh and Csh to the largest degree. Considering ET, the correlation levels for LPF of Esh and Csh grew from 0.52 (without displacement, Pic.2) to 0.73 and from 0.26 to 0.54, respectively. Considering EE, - from 0.13 to 0.75 (for Esh' and from 0.28 to 0.46 (for Csh). The dynamics of 2 ur and Cur LPF, unlike the changes of thiol indices for the same period, has a totally different origin and is determined, by most, by the season effect, i.e. appearing of a prolonged, more than 4-month, polar night in the studied period. The curves for Lur LPF and Cur LPF are well synchronized. Their maximum points are preceded with the moments of polar night beginning (the sun sets behind the horizon) and their minimum points - with the first (after a polar night) appearance of the sun above the horizon. Therefore, growing intensity of ET and EE determines (with a phase delay) decreasing activity of oxidation processes in human body, which strengthens the body non-specific resistance and its adaptive capacities. It is also necessary to take into account that the general tendency o f activating the antioxidation protection is to some degree determined with the long adaptation period of an individual in the extreme conditions of staying at a polar station, which, according to the results of the systematic analysis of individual’s physiological data, lasts 10-11 months approximately. It can be approved with the shrinking of the misbalance in thiol indices by this moment in time, which is described by the gradually decreasing correlation (at each month interval) between £ sh and Csh - from 0.6 at the first 2-3 months o f living in the Antarctic to almost zero at the end o f the expedition. 203