Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 33rd Annual seminar, Apatity, 02 - 05 March, 2010 / [ed.: A.G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 206 с. : ил.

E.S. Gorshkov al al. spectra of Cl o f Mrc-Jup, SA and the components ofUOHT - S5, S6, S7, and the period o f 21.33 months - in the spectra o f Cl o f Mar-Npt, SA, UOHT and its components - S4, S 5 , S6. We also reveal the character of relation between the studied indices and their rhythmic processes, in particular - changes in SA being 4 months behind by phase from the relevant changes in Cl o f Mrc-Jup and Mar-Npt and the correlation between them being inverse. Considering the correlations between UOHT and Cl of Mrc-Jup and Mar- Npt, for the first pair of planets there is no phase displacement and the correlation is inverse, while for the second pair there is a 4-month delay in phase o f UOHT changes respective to the relevant changes in Mar-Npt Cl and the correlation is direct. The analysis o f the results helps to detect a new communality of the planets’ Cl values for optimal and equal phase displacements, with the period between local maximum points o f r, considering UOHT and SA, being equal. The communality includes Mrc-Jup (Sat, Urn), Ven-Npt, Ert-Mar (Jup, Sat), Mar-Jup (Sat, Urn, Npt, Pit). While there is such a wide range of periods revealed (common for Cl, on one hand, and for UOHT and SA, on the other hand), all of them correspond with the known periods of pair planetary conjunctions [ 6 ], which are 2.9-3 .8 months for Mrc-Ert (Mar, ..., Pit), 7.4-7 .8 months for Ven-Jup (Sat, ..., Pit), 11 months for Ven-Mar, 1.2 months for Ven-Ert and 22.7- 26.8 months for Ert-Mar, Mar-Jup (Sat, ..., Pit). The period of >50 months can be relevant to pair conjunctions of Jup-Ert (Ven, Mar) or with conjunctions of three planets, for example, Mrc-Ven-Ert (57.1 months) or Mrc-Ven-Mar (52.6 months). It is noticeable that the correlation curves for UOHT and Cl o f Mrc-Mar (Jup) and Ven-Ert (Jup, Pit) and for SA and Cl of these planets are correlating between each other at a high level. Superposition o f the correlation curves leads to a sufficient growth of the correlation coefficients. For instance, r values for Cl o f Mrc- Jup, Mrc-Um and Mar-Npt make 0.83, 0.69 and (-0.67), respectively. The authors o f the work [ 8 ] focus attention on the fact that the cycles resulted from mutual positions o f planets (19.1, 22-23, 26, 39, 53 and 78-month long) are well reflected in terrestrial processes. Our comparison of the rhythms of UOHT, its components Sb ..., S7. SA and Cl, including the procedure o f phase alignment for these processes, not only supports the idea but also fills it with physical content. Therefore, unithiol test, which plays a large role in researching molecular mechanisms of heliobiological correlations, can be considered as a peculiar kind o f a marker at studying interplanetary interactions in the Solar system. References 1. Sokolovski V.V. Thiolsulphide system in organism reactions to environmental factors. St.Petersburg, Nauka Publishing, 2008. P.l 12. 2. Gorshkov E.S., Shapovalov S.N., Sokolovski V.V., Troshichev O.A. On fluctuations o f reaction rate for unithiol oxidation with nitrite ion being determined with gravity// Biophysics. - 2000. - V.45, issue 4. - p. 631-635. 3.Dubrov A.P. Geomagnetic field and life. L.: 1974. 173 p. 4. Vladimirski B.M., Temuryantz N.A.//Influence of solar activity on biosphere-noosphere. Heliobiology from A.L.Chizhevsky to our days. M.:MIEPU,2000. 373 p. 5.Reznikov A.P. Fortelling natural processes with learning system. Novosibirsk.:Nauka Publishing, 1982. 292p. 6 . Miroshnichenko L.I. Solar activity and the Earth. М.: Nauka Publishing, 1981. 145 p. 7. Popov V.A. Applying adaptive filtration in geophysics: Practical approach. Preprint No.5 (1055). М.: IZMIRAN, 1994.28 р. 8 .Mizun U.G., Hasnulin V.I. Our health and magnetic storms. М.: Znanie Publishing, 1991. 192 p. 200