Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 33rd Annual seminar, Apatity, 02 - 05 March, 2010 / [ed.: A.G. Yahnin, A. A. Mochalov]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2011. - 206 с. : ил.
V.D. Tereshchenko at al. Satellite observations of nacreous clouds allow to determine precisely enough sites, the sizes and dynamics of clouds. In Figure 4 photos of clouds from satellite DMSP [] and from the Earth are given. Photos o f clouds have been made on January 29, 2008. In the photo at the left, it is visible, that clouds were observed not only in Murmansk, but also in Northern Norway. Fig. 4. Photographic observations of clouds from the Earth and from space The analysis of heliogeophysical conditions in January-February 2008 and 2010 has shown, that in the days of detection of the polar stratospheric clouds the Sun was quiet, and geomagnetic activity was low. The daily Kp-index o f geomagnetic activity was in the range of values from 6 up to 13. Therefore space factors could not lead to increasing o f temperature of the stratosphere for these days. D iscussion Occurrence of nacreous clouds is connected with temperature in the stratosphere. Decrease of temperature in the stratosphere below some level leads to formation o f stratospheric clouds. The temperature, moreover, depends on the content of ozone. The more content of ozone is in some layer of the atmosphere, the more heat it accumulates. Accordingly, the less content o f ozone is in the atmosphere, the less its temperature is. Now the amount o f ozone in the stratosphere decreases, especially in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The main mechanism of destruction of the ozone layer is formations of stratospheric clouds of nitric-water ice. Supporters of human-induced concept consider that clouds make active chlorine from anthropogenic-volcanic reservoirs, which have uniform distribution in the atmosphere of the Earth. Each spring warming process amplifies formation of chemically active atomic chlorine. As a result, of the reaction o f free chlorine with ozone there is destruction o f the ozone layer and formation of so-called "ozone holes". The further rise in temperature conducts to evaporation of ice and the ozone layer starts to restore. Supporters of the endogenous hypothesis do not deny a role chlorine-containing freons in the process of destruction of the ozone layer though put under doubt the essential contribution human-induced processes to concentration of the ozone in the atmosphere. The basic contribution to formation o f nacreous stratospheric clouds and, accordingly, in destruction of the atmospheric ozone is brought with deep hydrogen degassing o f the Earth [Marakushev, 1998]. The main places o f such degassing serve rift structures of oceans and the hot points of the Earth fixed by destruction of its ozone layer. Fixing of ascending fluid streams by ozone holes testifies that water-hydrogen jets reach the stratosphere, generating the extended ice clouds promoting destruction of the ozone layer. The Iceland region of destruction of the ozone layer is the closest to Murmansk. Therefore, in Scandinavia nacreous clouds can be observed almost every winter. Half an hour before the beginning of the strong earthquake in China on May 12, 2008 on distance of 430 km from the epicenter of shocks iridescent stratospheric clouds have appeared [http://news.qq.eom/a/20080513/004283.htm] . It can be evidence of the endogenous hypothesis of destruction of the ozone layer. The important results for the hydrogen hypothesis concerning the ozone anomaly have been received by geologists of the Kola Center of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the town o f Apatity [Syvorotkin, 2005]. Monitoring of allocation of hydrogen in Hibinskie Mountains (over a long period here intensive allocations of methane and hydrogen were registered) and the total content of ozone in Murmansk in April 2005 has shown synchronism of these processes: strengthening of hydrogen degassing and decrease of the total content of ozone. The experiment has confirmed correctness of the hydrogen concept. Presence o f the ozone anomaly above Kola 192
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