Петрунькин Л. А. Эмиссия аргона в спектрах полярных сияний / Петрунькин Л. А., Петрунькин М. А. ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т, ИЗМИРАН. – Препринт ПГИ. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1982. – 12 с.
in Fig. <2 serves as an argument in favour of their auroral origin. This spectrum was registered during the experiment « with rocket-borne electron beam injection L?>3 . It should be noted, that the same lines are presented in ©ntheground spectra too ££>3 . This, and the fact that J W i and j\t- V[ lines were detected by investigators at different geographycal points, allow to eliminate a possibility of their artificial origin. Thus, to our mind, the existence of appreciable con centrations of excited atoms and ions of argon in the auroral zone may be considered as proved. According tot*»^>$\ data, at geomagnetic latitudes Ъо’-тс^' and ASO-AoO km altitudes iW- concentration in the presence of geomagnetic disturbances may rise by one or two orders of magnitude. When rising, it can exceed 0^ concentration and become comparable with 0 and concentrations. It is clear, that in such conditions the presence of &t-X and Ц. emissions in auroral spectra is natural,since cross-sections of Jit- excitation and ionization by electron impact are sufficiently large. It should be noted, that theories of physical processes occuring in the auroral zone in any way d i d n’t take into account the fact of a sharp increasing of concentration in this zone. Rate increasing of dissociative 'recombination due to the process v A ^ e -*• + f a ; 0^ + e may be used as an example of the necessity of such account. As a result, *!s> OX level inverse population increases; consequently, a full number of 0 О У - 0 ( З Д + Ц ; 0('Л) — O C JP ) A O e transitions increases too. As known, those are the very transitions,which lead to the most intense auroral emissions in the visible spectral region^ Д Х л = 6Ь00АУ Acknowledgements - We are pleasured to thank" dr. L.S. Yevlashin and dr. S.A.Chernouss for useful discussions and careful criticism led to a considerable improvement of the accuracy and clarity of this work.
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