Петрунькин Л. А. Эмиссия аргона в спектрах полярных сияний / Петрунькин Л. А., Петрунькин М. А. ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т, ИЗМИРАН. – Препринт ПГИ. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1982. – 12 с.

in Fig. <2 serves as an argument in favour of their auroral origin. This spectrum was registered during the experiment « with rocket-borne electron beam injection L?>3 . It should be noted, that the same lines are presented in ©ntheground spectra too ££>3 . This, and the fact that J W i and j\t- V[ lines were detected by investigators at different geographycal points, allow to eliminate a possibility of their artificial origin. Thus, to our mind, the existence of appreciable con­ centrations of excited atoms and ions of argon in the auroral zone may be considered as proved. According tot*»^>$\ data, at geomagnetic latitudes Ъо’-тс^' and ASO-AoO km altitudes iW- concentration in the presence of geomagnetic disturbances may rise by one or two orders of magnitude. When rising, it can exceed 0^ concentration and become comparable with 0 and concentrations. It is clear, that in such conditions the presence of &t-X and Ц. emissions in auroral spectra is natural,since cross-sections of Jit- excitation and ionization by electron impact are sufficiently large. It should be noted, that theories of physical processes occuring in the auroral zone in any way d i d n’t take into account the fact of a sharp increasing of concentration in this zone. Rate increasing of dissociative 'recombination due to the process v A ^ e -*• + f a ; 0^ + e may be used as an example of the necessity of such account. As a result, *!s> OX level inverse population increases; consequently, a full number of 0 О У - 0 ( З Д + Ц ; 0('Л) — O C JP ) A O e transitions increases too. As known, those are the very transitions,which lead to the most intense auroral emissions in the visible spectral region^ Д Х л = 6Ь00АУ Acknowledgements - We are pleasured to thank" dr. L.S. Yevlashin and dr. S.A.Chernouss for useful discussions and careful criticism led to a considerable improvement of the accuracy and clarity of this work.