Наблюдения радиоавроры и сияний 3 и 8 февраля, 15 и 16 марта 1978 г. в рамках программы «Авроральный брейкап 78» / А. В. Кустов, Е. В. Пудовкина, Г. В. Старков [и др.] ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препр. ПГИ 72-2. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1978. – 30 с.

ABSTHACT The results of joint radioauroral and auroral obser­ vations on February 3 and 8, March 15 and 16, 1978 in framework Auroral Breakup Compain 78 are presented in this paper. Essoyla 93 MHz radar, Kareliya, has 1,5 de­ gree wide lobe of the antenna was directed to Loparskaya. Optical means at loparskaya included the film camera and all sky camera with the image intensifiers latter with 630 nm filter and usual all sky camera. The second usual all sky camera was situated at Apatity. Here they are obtained the radiоaurora-aurcra pictures: two pictu­ res for evening and two ones for morning. On the verti­ cal axes they are marked the slant range and geomagnetic latitude, on the horisontalares it is marked the univer­ sal time. The solid lines are the location of the low edges of the aurora, the points are the diffuse lumino­ sity or weak diffuse arcs. The important feature of joint radioaurora-aurora be­ haviour is the evening-morning reversal of theyr locations. In the evening sector radioaurora was located usually on the equatorial side of the most equatorial arc. In the morning gector the diffuse radioaurora was located inside the oval. The data show close location and joint motion of aurora and radioaurora. The maximum of the probability density in the evening was 10-12 km distance from arcs and in the morning it was near 5 km only. The least dis­ tance of the joint motion in the morning was near 3 km. In the morning sector two moving loops or small eastward travelling surges and their radioauroral signatures were observed, fiadioaurora had filled the inside part of loops. 12