Магнитосферные возмущения и результаты измерений в стратосфере за период проведения эксперимента «Самбо-79»/ Л. Л. Лазутин, В. А. Жавков, Т. А. Козелова [и др.]; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т и др. – Препринт ПГИ 80-1. – Апатиты : [б. и.],1980. - 58 с.

Consideration of arc structures, aurora bands oriented east-wesr formed out of separate large patches seem to be important. Such arc bursts were observed on March 6, 1979 during a moderate activity prior to west traveling powerful surge associated with the major substonu. Brightening of the arcs was observed as well as their latitudinal movement. This kind of activity was considered earlier /6,7/ and was named "pseudobreakups". The data obtained during the exper­ iment show that formation od aurora bands out of separate patches occurs with a velocity of л/10 km/eec. Band stretching has west-east direction as well as an opposite one that seems to be associated with the direction of the electric field meridional component. A similar event was registered during the previous campaign on November 12,1976. Note that such aurora bursts are accompanied by insignific­ ant increase of X-ray emission flux. New data were obtained during a powerful aurora surge 5 min.passing over the balloon at the substorm on March 6, 1979. This provides a possibility to analyze the dynamics of the field variation on the surge front. The distribution of the ionospheric electric field was investigated earlier on. radioaurora data /8,9/. But when the electric field is small there is no radioaurora. Thus, the further analysis of the obtained data of the electric field horizontal comp­ onent, the precipitation of energetic electrons and aurora will amplify the known picture of the distribution and the dynamics of the electric field changes. Weak disturbances registered during the night on March 5-6, 1979 were responsible for insignificance of the precip­ itation of energetic electron fluxes. Interesting data on the electric field horizontal component in the Harang dis­ continuity were obtained on several balloons. A large variety of data for different periods of the SAMBO campaign provides the possibility for following thorough investigation of the electric field horizontal component. The data on measurements of the field amplitude during a comparatively quiet periods in the day sector re­ mained poorly explained aa well as the discovered effect 39