Магнитосферные возмущения и результаты измерений в стратосфере за период проведения эксперимента «Самбо-79»/ Л. Л. Лазутин, В. А. Жавков, Т. А. Козелова [и др.]; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т и др. – Препринт ПГИ 80-1. – Апатиты : [б. и.],1980. - 58 с.

on the Kola peninsula and Scandinavia; from 2050 to 2100 UT D disturbances were greater than H disturbances. With the westward movement of the auroral surge D disturbances sharp­ ly decreased. At 2105 UT a typical situation with the maxim­ um H disturbances exceeding significantly D disturbances occurred. Diffuse ground luminescence was observed with the subsequent decrease of the aurora brightness. The mentioned development of the auroral activity and the magnetic field were marked in the data obtained by the balloon 23 МЕР. The balloon drifted west- eastward along the latitude between Sodankyla and Xvalo. A slight auroral burst which occurred at 1952-2002 UT over the balloon was register­ ed as a peak on the photometer. The balloon had not reaches the necessary altitude for registration of X-ray emipsion. The burst was accompanied by a sharp enhancement of the electric field westward component. Prom 2005 to 2057 UT the photometer onboard the balloon did not registere any significant intensification. The value of the electric field horizontal component diminished from 40 to 15 mV/m by 2030 UT. Variations of the amplitude and direction of the electric field were, observed which were associated with the described auroral activity. The main burst of X-ray emission flux and photometer data was observ­ ed when the auroral surge passed over the balloon from east to west between 2057 and 2110 UT (Pig.12). The energetic spectrum of the photon flux was nearly invariable during the burst and the spectrum was rather hard: EQph was 20- 25 kev. The prompt data obtained by the satellite "GE0S-2" show that during the discussed period an increase of captured ana precipitated particles was observed. This increase co- incideu with the breakup. At 2115 UT another intensification of activity in the magnetic field began at Belyi island (Pig.13). This disturbs ance was less prominent at other stations. Weak patched aurora structures appeared to the east which then expanded over the firmament. At 2116 UT a rapid increase of the X- ray flux began. Two bays were registered by 2200 UT (Pig. 12 ). 3£