Магнитосферные возмущения и результаты измерений в стратосфере за период проведения эксперимента «Самбо-79»/ Л. Л. Лазутин, В. А. Жавков, Т. А. Козелова [и др.]; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т и др. – Препринт ПГИ 80-1. – Апатиты : [б. и.],1980. - 58 с.

>£ the X-ray spectrometer until the end of the flight. Between 1630 and 2110 UT an interesting event associated with the intensification of the activity and passing of the Harang discontinuity over the region of measurements occur­ red (Fig. 9 , 10 ). The balloon 16 GE reached its floating altitude (32 km) at 1630 UT. A moderate X-ray emission flux was detected by the spectrometer in 25-45 kev between 1636 and 1800 UT. Later at 1745 UT the electric field horizontal component begins to grow. A sharp increase of the electric field value occurs between 1725 and 1735 UT. The largest values reaching at some moments 60 mV/m are detected on the balloon until 1905 UT. The value of the electric field detected onboard the balloon 16 GE is lees and does not exceed 15 mV/m, though a slight simulteneous increase occurs. Weak Я disturb­ ance is observed between 1700 and i900 UT at Apatity,Sodan- kyla . The major intensification of the activity began at 1856 UT (Fig.10) at Tambay-Belyi island region. At 1900 UT enhancement of the westward electrojet is detected at Karma- kuly and Yu.Shahr. Intensification of H disturbances is observed simulteneously at Kanin Nose. At 1905 UT an ident­ ical change in H component is observed at Lovozero, Sodan- kyla, Kiruna. Enhancement of the westward electrojet at the mentioned eastern stations occurs simulteneously with that of the eastward electrojet at the stations on the Kola penin­ sula and Scandinavia. Two distinct breakups are distinguish­ ed at 185b and 1912 UT involving the development of Pi2 pulsation train at the middle latitude station Borok and at Lovozero, Apatity. In fact the data from the eastern meridional network of stations show enhancement and rapid extension of the westward electrojet. The balloons 15 AEP, 16 GE, 17 ЫЕР were located well to the south from the main active zone and X-ray detectors registered weak fluxes. The stratospheric electric field was registered by all the balioona. The cehaviour of the electric field horizontal component changes aynamically according to the Harang discontinuity shifting from east to 3o