Магнитосферные возмущения и результаты измерений в стратосфере за период проведения эксперимента «Самбо-79»/ Л. Л. Лазутин, В. А. Жавков, Т. А. Козелова [и др.]; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т и др. – Препринт ПГИ 80-1. – Апатиты : [б. и.],1980. - 58 с.

at-2142 UT. Another Bi2 pulsation train was marked at Borok and Lovozero. The electrojet rapidly expands north­ ward; a negative bay with a sharp onset is marked in the field H-component on the Kola peninsula and at the eastern etatione (M.Xanaakuly, Belyi island, Tixie). This substorm was lees pronounced at the western stations. It lasted until 2153 UT. With northward expansion of the energetic particle precipitating region its northern boundary crossed the balloon's location. A distinct 5-min.long burst is register­ ed by the X-ray detector. At the end of the substorm the energetic electron precipitating region narrows and its center is located on the Oulu latitude. Another powerful substorm begins at 2204 UT (Pig.3*6). The electrojet and the energetic electron precipitating region rapidly expands northward as well as southward; burstlike riometric absorption intensification is observed along the latitude network of stations from Kevo up te lyvaskyla. This powerful active burst relaxes rapidly.Until 2220 UT the particle precipitation and the electrojet in­ tensity greatly decreased at southern stations. The activi­ ty moves to the north. Earlier the balloon was located near the northern boundary of the precipitating region, by 2220 UT it drifted to the southern boundary of the precipitating region. Only small X-ray emission bursts are registered on­ board the balloon. The precipitating region changes its location leaplike. It is clearly seen on aurora: the arcs disappear in the south and appear in the north. This is also observed on riometric absorption data and magnetic field data. The precipitating region of energetic electrons seems to jump over the balloon's location and X-ray detector does not register any bursts associated with the change of precipitating region configuration. The substorm lasts until 2310 UT. At the interval 2221-2310 UT separate arcs and diffuse bands appeared and patches, decay of arcs and bands were observed. ?or example, at 2302 UT three diffuse bands appeared traveling south-eastward with subsequent decay of two of them one after another at 2308 UT. 30