Магнитосферные возмущения и результаты измерений в стратосфере за период проведения эксперимента «Самбо-79»/ Л. Л. Лазутин, В. А. Жавков, Т. А. Козелова [и др.]; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т и др. – Препринт ПГИ 80-1. – Апатиты : [б. и.],1980. - 58 с.

aurora disruptions. Patched morning type aurora are observed during the latest subatorms over Loparskaya. A part of data on magnetic disturbances are given in Pig-3,4,6. Disturbances within the magnetic field over the Kola peninsula and Scandinavia were observed throughout the whole night from 1700 to 0330 UT. During the interval 1720- 1830 UT positive disturbances transform into negative in (ГН field component. Prom 1830 to U205 UT (ГН iB the smallest С-ЮО/) everywhere reaching L»4 to the south. Note that <TH is not less than -700 f . Disturbances are complex and puls­ ating throughout the night. The onset of the mentioned break­ ups can be distinguished taking into account the data from various stations as well as the micropulsation data from the Middle latitude station Borok. During the first three break­ ups the measurements were carried out by the balloon 2 APE (Pig.2). The (Jneet of each substorm corresponds to a burst or a seria of X-ray bursts. The first eubetorm is the most prominent and lasts from 1830 to 1940 UT (Fig.3). The first substorm indications were observed at Umba and Loparskaya. A sharp front of the negative magnetic bey in H-component appeared at 1830 on both stations; the onset of a geomagnetic pulsation train was observed at Umba. A bay in riometric absorption with maximum 1 dB wee registered during the previous hour at Oulu. Thus, the aubstorm appears in the region of preceding precipitation of energetic electrons. The substorm expands northward toward Rybachy and westward to Kiruna until 1842 UT. During the interval 1830-1642 UT separate intensifications »nrt decays of auroral arcs were observed as well as south and northward movements of the arcs. The most powerful . aurora intensification was observed at 1842. At this time the westward electrojet extends to its maximum. The center of the precipitating region rapidly moves northward. Prom 1842 to 1845 the center shifts on 200 km (according to rio- metxic data from Finnish network of stations). At 1849 a new intensification of the mentioned substorm is observed. The activity begine in the east (Pig.6). At 1850 UT the maximum of the disturbance bay is registered on 27