Козелов, Б. В. Взаимодействие протонно-водородного пучка с молекулярным азотом / Б. В. Козелов, И. Ю. Юрова ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. - Препр. ПГИ-91-3-83. - Апатиты : КНЦ АН СССР, 1991. - 44 с. : граф.

Kozelov В. V. , Turova I. Уч. SCATTERING OP PROTONS AND ATOMIC HTOROGEN BI MOLECULAR NITROGEN. Protons and hydrogen atoms scattering by molecular nitrogen la one of the general process of energy dissipation of proton-hydrogen (р-Я) Ьеаша in the ionosphere. Penetration of p-H beams in the Bart’s ionosphere contribute into of ionospheric plasmochemical reactions and that is a reason of a number of emissions in the auroral spectra. The review presents the published experimental data and the theoretical approximations on cross sections of protons and hydrogen atoms scattering by N?. The cross sections, represented in the review, describe the possible processes: 1. elastic scattering, 2. change of charge, 3. ionization of S0 , 4. excitations of hydrogen lines (La , Ha , , 5. excitations of nitrogen llnee, 6. some differential cross sections. The cross sections are represented in analitical form from 0.1 keV to 1 Ms7. The error of approximations doesn't exceed the experimental error. © Кольский научный центр АН СССР, 1991