Качала, В. В. Принципы создания пакета прикладных графических программ на языке Турбо-Паскаль (на примере задач геофизики) / под ред. А. А. Намгаладзе. – Апатиты : ПГИ КНЦ РАН, 1993. – 99 с.

In the monograph the problems thet arise in the course of development programes for graphical presentation of physical functions (such as functional graphs, isolines, vector fields etc.) have been considered. Aproaches for their solution based on the means of the Turbo-Pascal language are proposed and illustrated by programmes’ fragments. Some universal graphical programmes and a specialized diologue software package are described. They allow to output in a graphical form the model results of geophysical global numerical simulation. The software provides graph plotting and saving of the graphical information in computer memory in the form of respectiv libraries.