Качала, В. В. Принципы создания пакета прикладных графических программ на языке Турбо-Паскаль (на примере задач геофизики) / под ред. А. А. Намгаладзе. – Апатиты : ПГИ КНЦ РАН, 1993. – 99 с.

C O N T E N T S P. INTRODUCTION ............................................ 5 1. GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION. OF FUNCTIONS ................. 7 1.1. Frames of reference ............................. 7 1.2. Forms of graphical presentation ................. 8 1.2.1. Scalar functions ...................■........ 8 1.2.2. Vector-fuctions ............................. 10 1.3. Rotation of three-dimensional images ........... II 1.4. Geophysical applications ........................ 13 2. COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ........ 15 2.1. Selection of a programming language... ;........ 15 2.2. Capabilities of the Turbo-Pascal language ...... 17 3. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF THE GRAPHICS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 19 3.1. Structure of a graphical programm ............... 19 3.2. Preparation and input of d a t a ..... ............. 20 3.2.1. Input data for graphical programmes ......... 20 3.2.2. Connexion between graphical programmes and d a t a ............ ............................ 23 3.2.3. Data input ................................... 25 3.3. Large arrays in Turbo-Pascal .................... 29 3.4. Data conversion................................. 32 3.4.1. Sorting ...................................... 32 3.4.2. Smoothing and interpolation ................. 33 3.5. Selection and digitization of s c a l e s ....... . 40 3.6. Graph sav i n g.... ................................ 45 3.7. Locking over a saved graphs ..................... 48 3.8. Printout of a g r a p h ............................. 50 4. PRINCIPLES OF GRAPHICAL IMAGES DISPLAY .............. 53 4.1. Relation between the world and screen .......... 53 coordinates ...................................... 53 4.2. Representation of scales ........................ 54 4.3. Graphics of scalar functions .................... 56 4.4. Isolines ......................................... 58 4.4.1. Isoline plotting problems ................... 58