Исследование стационарной магнитосферной конвекции / В. А. Сергеев [и др.] ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препр. ПГИ 86-05-47. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1986. - 32 с. : ил.

This paper isn't aimed at a thorough analysis and detailed discussion of all the aspects of Steady Magnetospheric Convection problem. We would rather try to outline the main points and pre­ sent information which is important for the discussion and further planning of this scientific campaign. 2. Selection of events classified as stationer? magnetospheric convection episodes Two main requirements must be fulfilled when we search for SMC episodes. The first one is the existence of intense magneto- spheric convection which may be evidenced by an intense twin- vortices current system at high latitudes. The second one is the requirement of the stable magnetotail ( the magnetic field plus the plasma sheet) configuration. It means that the plasma flow within PS must be sustained and controlled mainly by a large- scale (polarization) electric field, whereas the inductive elec­ tric field is of minor importance. It is impossible to satisfy this requirement rigorously, since it requires the data from many spacecrafts distributed over many important regions of the mag­ netotail. At the same time, we may be confused by those local transient features at the spacecraft, which are of the local im­ portance and don't alter large scale properties of the system (like turbulence, for example). To some extent the last requirement may be replaced by the following ones: a) Ho ground-based signatures of the substorm expansions (this excludes large changes of the magnetospheric configuration associated with substonns); b) Absence of substorm signatures in the magnetitail space­ craft data; c) Ho serious changes in the large-scale pattern of precipi­ tation, electric currents, and fields, observed from the ground and from the low-altitude spacecraft. These relaxed requirements still demand a detail study of a large body of data, especially for point c. In the following presentation we shall base our identification of SHC-situation mainly on the points a,b, leaving the last point to be checked in future studies. Here our task is to present a few SMC-like episodes, each having a duration about a few substorm-time units 14