Исследование стационарной магнитосферной конвекции / В. А. Сергеев [и др.] ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препр. ПГИ 86-05-47. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1986. - 32 с. : ил.

The understanding of the magnetospheric sources of the pre- cipitation-field structures, seen in the nightside auroral iono­ sphere (including both the global and local structures), is also far from completeness. It seems quite clear, that a Steady Mag­ netospheric Convection (SMC) situation is a simpliest case of magnetospheric disturbances. If the large-scale configuration of the magnetosphere is really conserved for a long time, the study of the magnetospheric disturbance has the following obvious ad­ vantages : a) We can join the individual measurements made by both geophysical chains and low-altitude spacecraft at different time. This allows us to reconstruct the two-dimensional pattern of all phenomena observed in the ionosphere. At the same time we may have a one-dimensional profile of plasma sheet parameters measured by the magnetospheric spacecraft along its trajectory. b) By using the magnetic data of magnetospheric spacecraft (including the geosynchronous ones) and other information we may choose more accurately the magnetic field model of the magneto­ sphere for this given time period. The family of the empirical models by Tsyganenko and Usmanov (1982), as well as their latest versions available, are appropriate for this purpose. By doing so we shall have an opportunity to link properly the measurements made in the equatorial magnetotail and in the auroral ionosphere and advance further in the modelling of different aspects of ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction. One more aspect deserves to be mentioned. It includes a com­ parative study of signatures and basic processes of steady convec­ tion and substorms. Such a study may help to isolate the inherent features of these fundamental mapietospheric processes and, prob­ ably, to overcome some of the controversies existed in the past between substorm researches. These questions form the main scien­ tific objectives for a search and careful study of SMC situations. In this paper we intend to demonstrate a few examples of SMC-like time-periods which may present a basis for a broad SKC- campaign. The introduction into these periods, as well as the principles of the selection of SKC episodes, will be demonstrated in Section 2. A brief review of some large-scale properties of the magnetotail and ionospheric phenomena is given in Sections 3,^. Section 5 contains information on the experimental data available (or supposed to be available) for the study of these SMC events. 13