Исследование стационарной магнитосферной конвекции / В. А. Сергеев [и др.] ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препр. ПГИ 86-05-47. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1986. - 32 с. : ил.

On the Steady Map?ietospheric Convection (SMC) study V.A.Sergeev1 ) , A.G. rahnin2 ^, V.O.Papitashvili?\ M.V.Maikov \ W. L e n n a r t s s o n ^ , K.-H.GlaBmeier5\ N.I.Fedorova 2\ D.J.Williams& ^ 1) Institute of Physios, University of Leningrad Leningrad, 198904, USSR 21 Polar Geophysical Institute Apatity, 184200, USSR 3) 7Institute of Earth's magnetism, ionosphere and radio waves propagation Troitsk, Moscow region, 142092, USSR Ц.) 'Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory Palo Alto, California 94304, USA "^Institut fiir Geophysik und Meteorologie Universitat zu Koln Zulpicher Str. 49 D-5000 Koln 41, FRG 6■*Applied Physics Laboratory The Johns Hopkins University Laurel, Maryland 20707, USA Abstract The current understanding of the ionospheric- magnetоspheric interaction in the convecting nightside magnetosphere is far from the completeness even in the simpliest case of steady magneto- spheric convection. The scientific objectives of SKC-related studies are briefly outlined. Two intervals (Feb.19-20» 1978 and Nov.24, 1981) containing few SMC-like episodes are presented and main large-scale features (both in the plasma sheet and ionosphere) are briefly reviewed. Quite a large data base including various spacecraft and ground-based observations may be constructed for these episodes. We propose to carry out a comprehensive cooperative study of steadily convecting magnetosphere (including both experi­ mental study and modelling) - SMC campaign, which may seriously contribute to the physics of nightside magnetosphere as veil as to substorm studies. II