Исследование ионосферы и магнитосферы методами активного воздействия : сборник научных трудов / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. - Апатиты : [б. и.], 1977. – 90 с.

appears sometimes in the auroral ionosphere during powerful in­ fluence on ionoephere. SELECTIVE HEATING OP LOWER IONOSPHERE. Shvartsburg A.B. The possibility of effective local heating of the thin layer of the lower ionoephere is discussed. The resonant character of such effect permits to produce the considerable perturbation in the interval of frequences 0,3 mHz "F" 0,8 mHz even in the case of comparatively weak radiation. ARTIFICIAL ALFVBJi RESONAHSES IN MAGNETOSPHERE. Arykov A.A., Maltsev Yu.P. The equations for artificial oscillations of magnetic field tube generated due to the artificial changes of the conductivity in the base of the tube in a presence of the external electric field are given. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of such oscillations is obtained in a frequency range of Po 3-5- The amplitude-frequency characteristic is the funktion of magneto- spheric and ionospheric parameters and permits to determine their numerical values. 90