Характеристики вспышек солнечных космических лучей / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1975. – 66 с.

случаи РСА. Краткая сводка ионосферных эффектов приводится в / 5 8 * / . В / 5 9 / сообщается о глобальном возбуждении колебаний геомагнитного поля типа "жемчужин0 , зарегистрированном на 12 станциях, расположенных в полярных шапках, авроральной зоне в средних широтах, спустя 2 5 .5 часа после хромосфѳрной вспы­ шки 7 июля и за 19 часов до магнитной бури. Л И Т Е Р А Т У Р А SIMON P.jSTESSKA Z. General summary on the results of the first proton flare project,July 1966,p.469-500. 2. 8VESTKA Z. and SIMON P. Proton flare project.-Sol. Phys.,1969,10,p.3-59. f . PORTINI T. ,TOEELLI K. Birth and development of the proton flare of July 1966.p.35-39. 4. ЗШВА Ѵ.,Н0іШШ E. A study of the development of ac­ tive regions on the Sun.- Astrooh.J..141.p.1492-1501. 5? POPOVICI C. ,DIMITRIU A. The ri*. plage associated with the proton flare of July 1966.p.31-34. 6? McHfTOSE P.S. Birth ana development of the sunspot - group associated with the proton flare of July 1966.p.40-43. 7^ CLINE T.L. ,McD0HALT) P.B. Eelativistic solar electrons detected during the 7 July 1966 proton flare event.p.295-298. 8. KEIMIGIS S,M.,VAN ALLEN J.A.,AEMSTHONG T.P. Simulta­ neous observations of solar protons inside and outside the magnetosphere.- Phvs.Eev.Letters.1967.18.fe26.T>.1204—1207. 9* SEVEBNI A. The magnetic fields and proton flare of 7 July 1966.p.11-23. 10?TANAXA H. .KAKINTJMA T.,EN0ME S. The slowly varying component of the radio emission during the period of the July 1966 proton flare.p.63-69. 11^KEt)GEH A. Remarks on the slowly varying component of solar radio emission during the proton flare project period of July 1966.p.70-77. 12*!f]?RIEDMAN H. ,KBEPLIN B.W. The slowly varying component of solar X-ray emission in the perioa 1-15 July 196S.p.78-8l, 13*BANIN V.,FEITER L.D.,FOKKER A.D.,MARTHES M.I..PICK Ы, On the development and activity of the active region associ­ ated with the proton flare event of 7 July 1966: summary of observations and conclusions.p.229-242. 14*EETVSKY L. Remarks on the development and activity of the active region during the proton flare event of July 1966.p . 135 - 136 . 24