Геомагнитные и ионосферные возмущения в высоких широтах: сборник статей. Ленинград, 1973.

C O N T E N T S Page Sukhorukova E. V. The development of the polar ionospheric disturbance 3 Shulgina N . V. The multilayer night F-region over Murmansk . . . . 12 M izum Y u . G., В . E. В rune lli, T . A . Khviuzova. The variations of election density profiles during negative magnetic bays in auroral zone. 18 Astakhov P . G., A . M . Lyatskaya, В . E. Brunelli. The conductivity of the ionosphere over South P o le ........................................................... 29 Vlaskov V. A . Two-atom ion-electron recombination rate as a function of tem p e r a tu r e............................................. ...................................................... 33 Sukhorukova E. V. Unsteadiness of the electron concentration in the iono­ sphere ................................................................................................................. 41 Cirs V. E. Determination of the incident electrons spectrum by the E- layer parameters during magneto-ionospheric disturbances . . . 53 Osepyan A . P . The riometer absorption pu lsa tion s......................................... 56 Roldugin V. К ., V. E. Cirs. The connection between polar aurora lu­ m inosity and Es-param eters........................................................................ 66 Smirnov V. S ., M . Y u . Medvedev. The geomagnetic thresholds for energy particles in the high la titu d e s .................................................................... 69 Ivanov V. E. The pitch-angle effects on the luminosity height distri­ bution ..................................................................................................................... 78 Roldugin V. K ., G. V. Starkov, G. F. Totunova. The peculiarities of the diurnal variations of the polar aurora sp ectra .................................... 84 Totunova G. F. Hydrogen in the different polar aurora t y p e s ....................... 90 Sverdlov Y u . L., N . G. Sergeeva , A . H . Pyatsi. On the connection between the radio aurora and polar a u r o r a ........................................................... 95 Kuzm in I . A . , V. A . Zhavkov, L . I . Shchur. The complex balloon-borne radiosond RKL-10M for cosmic and X-rays measurement in stra­ tosphere .................................................................................................................. 108 Borovkov L. P ., M . A . Vetrina, V. A . Zhavkov, I . A . Kuzm in, A . A . K u ­ kushkin, L. L. Lazutin, A . O. Melnikov, V. Ya . Rassadkin, 163