Геофизические исследования на обсерваториях «Остров Хейса» (Земля Франца-Иосифа) и «Баренцбург» (Архипелаг Шпицберген) в зимний сезон 1985-1986 гг. / В. Г. Воробьев [и др.] ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препр. ПГИ-87-01-55. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1987. - 41 с. : в основном ил.

V.G.Vorobjev, T.A.Galakhova, K.K.Leontjeva, G.F.Totunova, O.I.Yagodkina. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH AT HEISS ISLAND AND BARENTSBURG OBSERVATORIES DURING THE WINTER OP 1985-1986. The cataloque of the geophysical ground-based observations ob­ tained at Heiss Island and Barentsburg observatories during the win­ ter of 1985-1986 are presented. The preprint continues publication on high-latitude observations. The morphological and spectral auro­ ral characteristics as well as the description of the geophysical in­ strumentation complex at Heiss Island were given in the previons pre­ print /1/. In 1985 Berentsburg observatory was equipped with a com­ puter "EIectronic-60" and Complex automatic collection of geophysical data was introduced in the testing mode. The data of a three-compo­ nent magnetometer, four-emission photometer and six-channel detector of VLF-emission were recorded at Barentsburg observatory. The obtai­ ned information was included into the geophysical data base that is one of the structural components of the regional center in Apatity. The data base operates in the interactive regime. 1. The cataloque of geophysical data. Heiss Island observatory The 3-hour index of geomagnetic activity during November, Decem­ ber 1985 and January 1986 is shown in Fig.1. All-sky camera observa­ tions are presented by askaplots in Pig.2. The detailed instruction on the askaplots is given in /2/. The auroral information is presen­ ted in the form of 5 bands devided by vertical lines. Each vertical column corresponds to 0,5 hour interval. The black top squares cor­ respond to existence of auroral luminosity at the north, the black­ ness of the second and the third bands indicates the auroral lumino­ sity in the zenith and at the south,respectively. The two last bands yield information on auroral activity. The calendar of TV-observations is presented in Fig.3. The in­ tervals of all-sky TV camera observations are marked by solid hori­ zontal lines. The calendar of photometrical observations for each day consists of 5 bands and is shown in Pig.4. Three top bands present the inter­ vals of spectrophotometric observations along with intensity of the С*- ' 7 I **J a.