Электродинамические процессы в высоких широтах: материалы междунарордного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая 1986 г., Суздаль, СССР / Междунар. геодез. и геофиз. союз, Междунар. ассоц. геомагнетизма и аэрономии ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.). и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1988. - 156 с.

Some geomagnetic p u lваIiona at middle latitudes. Ivanova P., Nenovski P., Momohilov a., Miletits J.Gz. - Вкн.: Электродинамическиепроцессы ввысокихширотах. Апатиты, изд. КольскогофилиалаАНСССР, І987,с.І02- 107. Some geoeleotric variations whioh have occurred since September 10 to October 10, 1984 at middle latitudes are studied. Pulsations with periods 10-600 sec and their modulations are recorded. We have examined pulsations w i t h periods below 40 seconds. Relations of the amplitudes of the north- south and east-west oomponents of these pulsations with respect to the storm disturbance index Dst and its changes дDst are analysed. She results are discussed in relation to the geomagnetic activity. Polar cap absorption observed on February 16, 1984 by BISCAY. Hargreaves J.K., Ranta A., Ranta H . , Turunen E . , Turunen Т. - Вкн.: Электродинами­ ческиепроцессыввысокихширотах. Апатиты, изд. Кольскогофилиала АНСССР, с. I07-II5. Electron densities were measured in the ionospheric D region during the polar cap event on February 16,1984, and h a v e been compared wi t h production rates computed from proton fluxes measured on the geosynchronous satellite GOES-5. Profiles of effective recombination rate were determined which show a general consistency with previous estimates but differ in detail. There is evidence for a progressive change of recombination coefficient as the event proceeds. Calculations of the radiowave absorption profile from the EISCAT data are compared with measurements of the total radio absorption us i n g riometers, and serve to indicate the height and thickness of the absorption region in the PCA. Dayside auroral luminosity in relation to the IMF and magnetospheric substorm activity. Sandholt P . E . , Egeland A., Deehr C.S., Vorobjev V.G., Starkov G.V., Zverev V . L . , Feldstein Ya.I. - Вкн.: Электродинаминес- кие^п^оцессыввысокихширотах. Апатиты, изд. КольскогофилиалаАНСССР, Continuous ground-based observations of the dayside aurora provide important information - complementary to the in situ measurementa from satellites - on plasma transport and electromagnetic coupling between the magnet o sheath and the magnetosphere. The dynamics of midday aurorau, inclu­ ding polar cusp emissions, and their relations to the interplanetary magne­ tic field (IMF) and magnetospheric substorms, have been investigated with optical ground-based observations from 3valbard, Ueiss Island and Alaska. Simultaneous equatorward movements of day and nightside auroras are observed in response to IMF southward transitions, independent of substorm activity. Variations of the interplanetary B z on the frontside of the magne­ tosphere are accompanied by the synchronous dayside a urora displacement. At time of the magnetic activity increasing the auroral displacements, associ­ ated with B z , are observed at lower latitudes. The spatial relationship - al o n g the magnetio m e ridian in the midday sector - between the cusp aurora and IMF By -related convection currents (the P D Y signatures) have been studied for negative and positive values of IMF B a . I55