Электродинамические процессы в высоких широтах: материалы междунарордного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая 1986 г., Суздаль, СССР / Междунар. геодез. и геофиз. союз, Междунар. ассоц. геомагнетизма и аэрономии ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.). и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1988. - 156 с.

С OI.I2.I97C. f 1.119 1070 Г 3I.I2.IM0. 0.1 0.» Ч 0.4 40 60 ‘ «0 іо іщ м и н . -ол figure 12. The correlation coefficient "r" between the IMP Bi-component intensity variations and the daytime aurora poaition veraua the tine shift between two data sets for three time intervale on December 8, 1978 (to the left). December 13» 1979 (in the middle), a n d December 31, 1980 (to the right). component intensity variations a n d the position of the daytime auroras versus the time shift between two sets of data. The values of "r" were calculated for three cases discussed i n detail above. The arrows indicate the time shift inferred fr o m the solar w i n d velocity values a n d used in this work. The data presented show that the delay-time values calculated fr o m solar w i n d velocity values are close to the ma x i m u m values of "r". The inaccuracy i n making allowance for the time delay b etween the ground-based a nd interplanetary data m a y substantially distort the real pattern of the relationship of the Вя variations to the equatorward boundary of auroras. Whereas the value of "r" o n December 8, 1978 depends little on the delay time, this dependence is substantial i n other cases, so a 10-min change i n the shift m a y even give rise to sign reversal of " r " . 5. DISCUSSION O f DATA SET N o 2. The polar оиирв are a unique region of the space where the interplanetary me d i u m interacts directly w i t h the Earth's upper atmosphere. The position end dynamics of the cusps have be e n intensi­ vely studied in recent years. The interest of researchers in such studies arose because the cusp region dynamics ia closely associated w i t h the chan­ ges in the magnetospheric structure. Besides, the plasma penetrating through the cusps gives rise to numerous geophysical events which, w h e n studied, open up the w a y to getting a deeper insight into the mechanisms of energy tranefer fr o m solar w i n d to the magnetosphere. In-the last decade mu c h attention was paid to studying the processes occuring i n the magnetopause and i n the dayside boundary layer. Several works (e.g.Scopke et al.,1981s Lundin a n d Dub i n i n , 1984) have demonstrated that the dayside boundary layer is heavily-structured wi t h rapid temporal variations. The high-latitude sone of the boundary layer called “entry layer" is regarded as the ma i n region wh e r e i n the magnetosheath plasma is injected to the magnetosphere. The polar cusps an d the low-latitude boundary layer are also discussed to be possible regions of solar w i n d energy trans­ fer. The role of polar cusps has b e e n yet unclear. Attempts were made (Lundin et al.,1985; Sandholt et al.,1986) however, to relate some of the characteristic features of the processes occuring o n the magnetopause to the morphological features of the daytime aurorae. The studies of euch a type m a y prove to be promissing because the satellite measurements can give only rough estimates of the scale, recurrence, and dynamics of the relevant events. I37