Электродинамические процессы в высоких широтах: материалы междунарордного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая 1986 г., Суздаль, СССР / Междунар. геодез. и геофиз. союз, Междунар. ассоц. геомагнетизма и аэрономии ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.). и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1988. - 156 с.
Figure 7. The January 2 1 ,1 9 8 2 aurora characteristics inferred fr o m the Barentzbtirg data. Shown from top to b o t t o m are the aurora dynamics, the lumino sity intensity in zenith i n the 630.0 and 557.7 n m emissi ons, a n d the varia tions of the magnetic field H-component. The January 21. 1962 ca a e . Fi g . 7 shows the 0400-1000 UT data obtained at B a r e ntzburg on that day. Shown fr o m top to bo t t o m are the dynamics of auroras, the intensities of the 630.0 and 557.7 n m luminosity in zenith, and the variations of the magnetic field H-component. P lotted along a verti cal in the upper part of the figure is the corrected geomagnetic latitude. The aixow indicates the position of the station zenith. The following desig nations are used here and in other figures:the solid lines show the position of homogeneous arcs and bands, the herring-bonea show the position of rayed arcs, the dots show the region where the visual diffuse luminosity is loca ted. The position of the auroral forme w a s plotted i n each minute assuming that the aurora altitude is 150 km. A minor magnetic disturbance w h i c h commenced after 0400 UT on January 21,1982 wa s accompanied by the occurrence of a broad region of visual diffuse luminosity. The 557.7 n m emission intensity i n the diffuse luminosity is 1-2 kR, whereas the 630.0 n m emission intensity is ve r y low ( ~ 0 5 . kR). At 0710 UT the rayed auroral arcs moving polewards appeared ne a r the station zenith, the 557.7 n m intensity decreased markedly, a n d the 630.0 n m inten sity increased substantially. The scanning photometer data were used to plot the position of the 630.0 n m luminosity intensity r egion i n each minute. The r egion is shaded in the upper part of the figure. The position of the re d luminosity region boundaries wa s plotted assu m ing a 250 k m altitude of the luminosity. The width of the luminosity region is 2-3° of latitude; the position of its boundary suffers substantial variations. The rayed auroral arcs mov i n g polewards are entirely located wit h i n the r e d luminosity region. The arcs are formed at it's equatorward boundary and then move polewBrds to the inside of the region. On the poleward side, the r e d band is 1-2° as broad as the region occupied by discrete auroral forms. It is of interest to 10 12 Л I3I
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