Электродинамические процессы в высоких широтах: материалы междунарордного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая 1986 г., Суздаль, СССР / Междунар. геодез. и геофиз. союз, Междунар. ассоц. геомагнетизма и аэрономии ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.). и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1988. - 156 с.
1 2 3 4 N 2 S Pigure 3. Panel 1 (l e f t ): IMP 2-component in nTl. Time ia UT. The IMP trace has been shifted b y ~ 10 min. relative to the ground measurementa. Panel 2s north-south m eridian photometer scans (630.0 nm) from Longyearbyen Svalbard (74.4 geom.lat.). Panel 3s similar photometer scans (557.7 nm) from Poker P l a t , Alaska (65° geom.lat.). Panel 4s H-oomponont magnetic recording from Arctic Village (АѴІІ, Alaska (69°geom.lat.). Local magnetic midnight is at about 11 UT. The December 13. 1983 свае. A broad regi on of luminosity (60°H to 20°S snenith angle) was observed from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (74.4° g e o m . l a t . ) around local magnetic neon, as shown in Fig.3. At this time the IMP B z -com- ponent (left panel) was slightly positive, fluctuating around a mean value o f ~ 2 nT. The IMP vector turned southward at 0840 UT, w i t h B z decreasing to «- -5 nT. Af t e r a few northward transitions, IMP B z was rather atable at »- -5 n T between - 0905 and ~ 0935 UT. A majo r equatorward movement of the cusp aurora occurred b etween 0910 and 0920 UT. During the next two hours, n o r thward excursions of IMP Ви (each lasting 3-5 minutes) are seen to be closely correlated wi t h poleward movements of the n orthern border of dayside luminosity. 121
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