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ТроицкаяВ.А., Ілясова-БакунинаT.A., ГульельмиА.В. Докл, Акад. наук О OOP , 19*?, 1971 , с* 1312« Чего J. and Hollo L. - J.Atmoa.Terr.Phys. , 40, 1978, 857. Potapov A.S., Polyuahkina Т.К. - Researches ±n Geomagnetism, Aeron.and Solar Phys., 34, Nauka, Irkutsk, 1979, p.3. Gul'elmi A.V., Bol'ahakova O.V. - Space Sci.Rev, 16, 1974, 331. Miletits J. - J.Atmos.Terr.Phys., 42, 1980, 563. Greenstadt E.W., Mellott M.M., McPherron R . L . , Russell C . T . , - Geophys. Res.Lett., 10, 1983, 659. Russell C . T . , Hoppe Ы.М. - Space Sci.Rev., 34, 1983, 155. Russell C.T., Luhmann J.G., Odera T.J., Stuart W.F. - Geophys.Res.Lett., 10, 1983, 663. Solar-Geophys.Data copr.rep.Oct.1985, 494, II. Vero J., Hollo L. - J.Atmos.Terr.Phys., 47, 6 , 1985, 557. Yumoto K . , Saito T. - J . Geophys.Res., 90, A7, 1985, 6439. J.K.HARGREAVES, H.KANTA, A.RANTA, E.TURUNEN, T.TURUNEN POLAR CAP ABSORPTION OBSERVED ON FEBRUARY 16, 1984 B Y EISCAT INTRODUCTION. The first direct measurements of the proton flux on а satellite was reported by Rothwell and M cllwain (1959), and in recent years there has been continuous proton monitoring on satellites, notably on geosyn chronous vehicles such as GOES series of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. From measurements of the flux and spectra of the incoming protons it is possible to compute the rate of production (q) of elecitron-ion pairs as a function of height in the atmosphere. If the resul ting electron-density (N ) profile can also be measured using a rocket or a С ground-based method, values for the effective recombination coefficient p ( oC =q/N„), which is related to the photochemical processes of the ionosphe- Ѳ 6 ric D region, may ne estimated. As Reid (1974) has pointed out, one of the principal scientific uses of the PCA is in investigating the aeronomy of the D region. Incoherent scatter radar is a ground-based technique able to measure D r e gion quantities, and since more of these facilities have been constructed at high magnetic latitudes over the past few years they may be expected to contribute significantly to PCA studios. This technique can determine the electron density as a function of height throughout the event, and also, through the spectrum of the scattered signal, can provide Information about temperature, ion collision frequency, ion mass and the presence of negative ions (Mathews,1978; Ganguly et al.,1979). Ю7
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