Электродинамические процессы в высоких широтах: материалы междунарордного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая 1986 г., Суздаль, СССР / Междунар. геодез. и геофиз. союз, Междунар. ассоц. геомагнетизма и аэрономии ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.). и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1988. - 156 с.

Additionally, the rapid damping and appearance of pulsations show, h o w ­ ever, that the hourly values of Dst are quite an average parameters for auoh u type of analysis. Regardlese of this we have calculated according to the hourly values of the indicated parameters in a moment 11 UT (noon sector) the following equations (by.nonlinear regression analysis): A[_w= - 0 m st-OM6Anst-0mHm4Btf+O.84AH-0.67smI)si-0A9siriBT+0.4ScosBz-OMAl)si+0.mjr+0M9By+ +0.f6Bz-0.268T AN.5=-Omsi-0.82AH*0.80Dlt+0.8OiH*-0.60sillllSi-O.49siiiAIIst-0J6B*i-0.l1Bx+0.O2Bz-0J9Br- -MOf inAH-OMsinBL OJdsinB/O.S1mlz-0.58tjAH*0.22if(B)l/Br ) Attention should be paid to the parameters w i t h a big coefficient in these equations: Dst, A H and their functions, wh i c h are correspondingly equal to -0.69 a n d (-0.73) for Ajj_s and -0.74 and -0.82 for Ag_w component. Therefore an important role for the occurrence of the pulsations in the no o n sector play Dst and A H. The coefficients before B x and show that their role is more important than the one of the B y and B z . The dependence established above as well as the analysis of the record of the two geoelectric components for the period from 3.10 to 5.10.1984 can be summed up in the following suggestions: 1. The dependence of the amplitudes of the pulsations under investiga­ tion on Dst and its variations show the predominant influence on Dst (as well as on the solar wi n d velosity V g W ) during the m a i n phase of the storm 21-23. 09.1984. 2. The occurrence of Pc3 type pulsations in the quiet period 3-5.10.1984 (especially o n 4 . 1 0 . 1 9 8 4 ) at middle latitudes cannot be connected only wi t h the parameters of the solar wind: i) Ѵдщ=350, 380, 380, 360, i.e. V const; and ii)ns w = 1 2 , 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 3 , i.e. n sw = const. 3. The occurrence of pulsations on 3-5.10.1984 also cannot be explained wi t h the vector orientation of the IMP as well (Russell,1983; Vero et a l . , 1985; Yumoto et al.,1985) since it is oriented along the line Sun - Barth on the days w h e n there are not any pulsations. 4. It is possible that the negative changes in Dst out of the substorm phase to suppress the eventual m e c hanism of generation of these pulsations, connected wi t h the solar wind, i,e, these influence of the direction of the vector of the IMF and of the solar wi n d velocity. Finally, the role of the ring current in the generation of the pulsati­ ons turns out to be quite essential and should be further analyzed. R E F E R E N C E S : БольшаковаO.B., ТроицкаяВ.А. Докл.Акад.HayкСССР, 180. 1968, с. 343. ГульельмиА.В., БольшаковаО.В. Геомагнетизмиаэрономия, 13, 1973, с. 535. ГульельмиА.В., Плясова-БакунинаТ.А., ШепетновР.В. Геомагнетизмиаэ­ рономия, 13, 1973, с. 382. ПудовкинМ.И., РаспоповО.М., КлейменоваН.Г. Возмущенияэлектромагнит­ ногополяЗемли, ч. 2, Л., 1976. 9 19бІ°ИЦКаЗ б 9’^епетнов ГульельмиА.В. Геомагнетизмиаэрономия, 106