Эксперимент «Авроральный брейкап» (результаты МИМ) : [сборник статей] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.) и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1979. - 127 с. : ил.
YDK 550.388.8 Spectra of aurora at February - March 1978 during Auroral Breakup Campaign - 1. Totunovu G.J?., Fedorova N.I. - Experi ment "Auroral breakup" (resulta of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.70-78. It is described the time variations of the main auroral spe ctral components by C-180-S spectrograph data. The observation carried out also during the cloud weather. By the different emis sion radio there obtained the values of the energy of precipita tions. It is shown the magnetic activity increase usually accom panies by the increase of the auroral electron energy. At March 8-9 there observed the red aurora accompanied the middle magnetic disturbance. Fig. - 4, ref. - 4. YDK. 550*388.8 The distribution of the auroral luminosity of the scaning photometer data. Vlaskov V.A., Bogolyubov A.A. - Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS}. Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.78-82. During Auroral breakup campaign the intensity of auroral lu minosity was measured by the two scaning photometers with field of view 1.4^. The altitude of auroral forms was measured at March 16, 1978, during the eubstonn. The electron concentration in the maximum of luminosity was valued. Pig. - 4, ref. - 2. YDK 550.388.2 The measurements of the ionospheric small-scale irregulari ties in the auroral zone. Bogolubov A.A., Kosolapenko V.I.-, Kryarhev V.A., Mizun Yu.G., Ogloblina O.F.,Cheremnyiy V.A. Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.82-93* During Auroral breakup campaign the method of the space re ception used for the study of the VHP satellite scintillations. The authors suggested the satellite scintillations as well as so me phenomenon are space homogenous and stationary. It was found the power spectra of fading may describe by power from -2.7 to -4.7. During the disturbances the middle altitude of the irregu larity layer decreases from 300-400 km in morning and noon to 150-300 km in evening. During substorm the region of the irregu larities is widened in the west-east directions and their anyzo- tropy is increased. Pig. - 10, ref. - 6. I26
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