Эксперимент «Авроральный брейкап» (результаты МИМ) : [сборник статей] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.) и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1979. - 127 с. : ил.
are the manifestation of a single wave process - the result of the ionospheric passing of MHD wave inoidenting from the magnito- sphere. It is obtained the correspondence between calculated by Hughes and Soutwood wave transformation and evaluated electric field reguired for radioaurora formation. Experimental data allow to consider registered radioauroral pulsations as a result of the periodic formation of plasma instabilities occured due to field of the MHD wave inoidenting from magnetosphere and penetrating the ionosphere. Pig. - 6 ; ref. - 2 0 . YDK 550.380.8 The observation of diffuse radio aurora on the radar'вmeri dional chain. Sergeeva N.Q. - Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p . 50-57. There are oonstracted the registration regions of the diffu se radioaurora on the radar's meridional chain. This regions ha ve the same configuration as the region of the field-aligned cur rents into, received from the data of the satellite "Triad". Fig.- 5 , ref. - 8 . YDK 550.388.8 The auroral westward travelling surge and radioaurora. Kus tov A.V.I Pudovkina E.V., Suchoivanenko P.Ya., Loginov G.A. Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad, Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, P »57-69. This paper is devoted to the analysis of complex observa tions of two westward travelling surge events in the evening sec tor. Here they were used optical, riometer, magnetic and radar data. It is shown that considerable hardening of the precipita ting particles spectrum and a spike of the cosmic radionoise ab sorption are connected with the surge. Radar and magnetic data demonstrated the development of meridional currenta in the lea ding part of the surge, where it was located discrete radioauro ra too. In the internal part of the surge electric field had w e e t e m and eouthern components, and latter was maximum near the polar edge of aurora bulge. In the paper they are marked another radioauroral observational features of westward travelling sur ges. Fig. - 8 , ref. - 18. 125
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