Эксперимент «Авроральный брейкап» (результаты МИМ) : [сборник статей] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: О. М. Распопов (отв. ред.) и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1979. - 127 с. : ил.
A B S T R A C T S YDK 550.388.8 The observations of radloaurora and aurora at February 3» 8 and torch 15» 16» 1978 during the program of "Auroral brea- kup 78". Kustov A.V., Pudovkina E.V., Starkov G.V., Stepa nov G.S.,,Suchoivanenko P.Ya., Uepensky M.V.: - Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.3-21. The results of joint radioaurora and aurora observations at February 3 and 8 , March 15 and 16, 1978 during "Auroral breakup campaign 78" are presented in this paper. Here they are obtained the radi oaurora-aurora pictures: two pictures for evening and two ones for morning. In the evening sector radioaurora was located usually on the equatorial side of trie most equatorial arc. In the morning sector the diffuse radioaurora was located inside tho auroral oval. The data show close location and joint motion of aurora and radioaurora. The maximum probability distance radio aurora and aurora was 10-12 km in the evening and around 5 km in morning. In the morning sector two eastward moving loops and their radioauroral signatures were observed. Radioaurora had fil led the inside part of loops. Fig. - 10 , tabl. - 2 , ref. - 8 . YDK pf»0.380.3 Pre-breakup decrease of radioaurora. Starkov G.V., Raspopov O.M., Uspensky M.V. - Experiment nAuroral breakup" (results of IMS). Eel. Kola Branch Acad. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.21-38. The paper describe the radioaurora behaviour just before the auroral breakup. One or five minutes before the breakup the radio- aurora decreases its amplitude. The authors show that the pre-bre akup fading observed for the radioaurora, aurora and variations at the geomagnetic field and currents. They suggest that the pre breakup fading nature is the decrease of the particle precipita tion and as consequence the decrease of the absorption, the auro ral luminosity, the ionospheric conductivity, the currents and the radioaurora amplitude. Fig. - 7 ( ref. - 18. YDK 550.383 The synchronous pulsations of radioaurora and magnetic field* Kustov A.V., Pudovkin A.I., Kangas I., Raspopov O.M., Uspen sky M.V. - Experiment "Auroral breakup" (results of IMS). Ed. Kola Branch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1979, p.38-50. This paper is devoted to interpretation of 12 second radio- auroral and geomagnetic pulsations wich were registered on Februa ry 28, 1978 in the auroral zone. It is shown that thie pulsations 124
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