Эффективные сечения рассеяния электронов атмосферными газами. 3. Атомарный кислород / Г. А. Иванов, В. Е. Иванов, А. С. Кириллов, А. И. Конахина ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. - Препринт ПГИ-84-06-34. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1984. - 27 с. : ил.

Ivanov G .A ., Ivanov I.E., Kirillov A .S ., Konahina A .I . EFFECTIVE CROSS SECTIOKS OP ELECTRON SCATTERING BY ATKOSPHERIC GASES 3 . ATOMIC OXYGEN Abstract Atomic oxygen is one of dominant gases in the Earth, Kara and Venus atmospheres. Oxygen atoms excited and ioni­ zed by electron impact are the eources of intensive emis­ sions in auroral spectra and active participants of plas- moeheipical reactions in the auroral ionosphere. This review carries recent literatu re data on integral cross sections of electron scattering with 01. The lack of experimental data on theee sections is noted. The calcula­ tion data obtained in terms of the fir s t Born approximati- #n may be the basis to describe the interaction between electrons and atomic oxygen. These data allow to consider the 01 transition from the ground state to a number of 4 0 <2 0 2 ,0 , . states which results in S , D and P ionization state. The theoretical data of the cross sections for the excita­ tions of the i S and D states and experimental data on the total ionization cross sections are more re lia b le . The recommended cross sections for description of the electron scattering by 01 atom are presented in an anali- tica l form which provides a smooth energy dependence of the cross sections on the excitation threshold up to the energies which r e la t iv is t ic effects may be neglected. © Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1984